Friday, December 16, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful Christmas gifts! I loved them all! I can't believe this year is half way over. I have had the best time this year getting to know all my "kids" and I know we will have a great 2nd semester. See you on January 03, 2012!

I love you all! - Mrs. Robison

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Reminders

  • Please remember that we are doing our Charlotte's Web unit this week. The test will be on Thursday instead of Friday.
  • Folders were sent home today, please sign and return tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow is our Pizza Lunch.
  • Wednesday is Polar Express day. Wear your Pajamas. **Also if you have the Polar Express Movie at home please send it tomorrow for our class to watch on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is our Christmas Party - please bring a gift to swap. Remember we are swapping school supplies and please do not go over $10 and wrap them. Also please remember to bring the goodies for our party.
  • Friday, December 16, is the last day before Christmas and we will dismiss at 11:50.For the students who come on Friday we will be watching movies and cleaning the classroom to start a new semester. Students will need to bring a snack and drink that day because the lunchroom will be closed

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Week Schedule

Folders were sent home today, December 05. Please sign and return tomorrow, December 06.

Please send the $4 for pizza and the $2 for Polar Express as soon as possible!

The schedule for next week is:

Monday, December 12, we will go watch the 2nd and 3rd grade Christmas play dress rehearsal.

Tuesday, December 13, we will have our PIZZA Lunch! We are going to have our lunch on
Tuesday instead of Thursday since it is a whole day. Please send $4 for lunch.

Wednesday, December 14, is Polar Express Day! Wear your pajamas and send $2 for milk and cookies.

Thursday, December 15, is our Christmas Party and we will dismiss at 11:50. bring a gift of school supplies wrapped to play "Dirty Santa." Please do not go over $10 on gifts. Also, the following people have volunteered to bring:.
Drinks - Mary, Corey, and Matalie
Cooler - Payne
Cups/Plates - Miranda
Cupcakes - Isabel
Cookies - Davis, Megan S.
Ruffles Chips/Dip - Sarah Todd
Scoops - Jack, Shelby
Rotel - Porter
Dip - Caden
***Please feel free to send anything else you would like!

Friday, December 16, is the last day before Christmas and we will dismiss at 11:50.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Letter from Santa

We got a letter from Santa today! Thanks to the elf that told Santa everyone has been so good!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Announcement from the office - If you need to have a remake on your school day pictures, please come by the office and sign the form.
The Patriot Marketplace will be Thursday from 11-4 and Friday from 8-12. The Patriot Marketplace (which will replace the PTO dollar store gift shop) will have a booth at the holiday market. Art Department will sell the ornaments that students are making and outside vendors will be here to sell merchandise. Students may preview or shop on Dec. 1st and shop again on Dec. 2nd. The PTO is also sponsoring a themed gift basket silent auction. By November 30th, we are asking each student to bring an item (no matter how small or large) to add to the grade level assigned basket. The items will be arranged into several baskets and on display for auction throughout the holiday market. We thank you in advance for your support to this new fund raiser. You can check the announcement page for more information!

There is a flyer I sent home today concerning an art fundraiser. The children have made a precious ornament and gift to you for Christmas. Please send $10.00 to cover the cost for supplies by Dec. 7th.

Our class Christmas Party will be on Thursday, December 15. The kids have decided to play "School Supplies Dirty Santa." Please send the school supplies wrapped as a Christmas present and keep the cost less than $10. They also voted on a pizza lunch and I will let you know soon what the cost will be. Since it is only a half day, we will have our present swap first and eat an early lunch second.

Dates to Remember:

Wednesday, November 30 - Due date to bring in Christmas basket item(Auburn/Alabama/Troy items) and Kirby banking (Children with accounts can place a deposit)

Thursday, December 1- 11:00-4:00- Holiday Market

Friday, December 2- 8:00-12:00- Holiday Market

Wednesday, December 7 - $10 due for Christmas ornament

Wednesday, December 14- Polar Express Day for grades K4-4th - The children will wear their pj's to school and enjoy cookies and milk with Santa! and Kirby Banking

Thursday, December 15- **Christmas Party/ School will dismiss at 11:50
Friday, December 16- Dismiss at 11:50
Dec. 19 - Jan.2 - Christmas Holidays

Tuesday, Jan. 3 - Students return to school

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Book Drive and Doughnuts with Daddy

PTO will host a Book Drive November 16th-18th where parents can donate gently used books at the morning drop off that will be cataloged and used in our school library!!! We do need volunteers to help these mornings to receive the books during drop off.

*Sign up sheets are located on the bulletin board outside the main office.

Doughnuts with Daddy has been scheduled for November 18th from 7:15-8:00 in the cafetorium. This special time is for anyone school wide.

Details: We will be ordering the doughnuts from Daylight Doughnuts. The doughnuts are $7.00/doz.

*For anyone wanting to help or contribute to buying the doughnuts, the sign up sheets are on the bulletin board outside the main office.

Iron Bowl

Since we will be dressing for our program tomorrow, and we won't be here next week, the class decided to wear their "Iron Bowl" clothes tomorrow. Everyone pick your team and show your spirit!

Patriot Marketplace

This year’s Patriot Marketplace will be December 1st from 11:00am to 4:00pm and December 2nd from 8:00am to 12noon. As always, a great number of vendors will be at school so you may shop. The PTO will also have a booth for students to shop for family Christmas gifts instead of hosting a second Christmas Store later in December.

The PTO is sponsoring themed gift baskets to be a part of the silent auction. By November 29th, we are asking each student to bring an item (no matter how small or large) to add to the grade level assigned basket. The items will be arranged into several baskets and on display for auction throughout the holiday market. We thank you in advance for your support to this new fund raiser.

We look forward to seeing you at the Marketplace!

K4 and K5 - Arts and Craft item

1st grade - Pamper Yourself item

2nd grade - Barbie or Super Hero item

3rd grade - Barbie or Super Hero item

4th grade - Alabama, Auburn or Troy item

5th grade - Candles/Fragrance item

6th grade - Kitchen item

7th grade - Grill item

8th grade - Stationary item

9th grade - Christmas item

10th grade - Car Wash item

11th and 12th grade - Alabama, Auburn or Troy item

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Reading Test Rescheduled and Communication Folders

Our Reading Test and VOCAB Quiz will be rescheduled for Monday since this is a short week and we have been working very hard on our program. Our spelling test is still scheduled for tomorrow but we will also push back our Math VOCAB quiz to Tuesday.

I am sending home everyone's communication folder today, even though it is not Monday, because there were several things that needed to be sent home. Please make sure to check your child's folder for the following:
  • The Thanksgiving lunch order form - the order form envelope needs to be returned as soon as possible. If you do not have the money for all of your guests, please include them in your number of people and they can pay on Friday.
  • School Day Pictures
  • Football Certificate
  • And other handouts for 4-H Auburn Football day, Rec Basketball, and Upward Basketball.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Reminders: 11/07: edline and homecoming parade

A note will be sent home today about Edline as far as grades and mass email availability. Deadline for parents sign and return for high is Friday. Elementary is due back on Wednesday, Nov. 9th. No paper progress reports will be sent home.

The Pee Wee and Termite Banquet is Tuesday, Nov. 8th at 6:30 in the cafetorium.

The Cookie Dough Sales will go through Nov. 15th. The classes selling the most in grades K4-6 and 7-12 will receive a pizza party.

Friday, Nov. 11th is a school holiday.

Pee Wee and Termite Football Players and Cheerleaders - The SGA would like for you to ride on the PLA school float for the Troy University Homecoming Parade on Saturday morning, November 12, 2011. The floats will be lined up along South Three Notch Street - ours is #15 with is closer to Walt's. Please be there by 8:15 as the parade starts at 9:00. The parade will end at the intersection of Elm and Griffin Streets. Players and cheerleaders should wear uniforms. If you have questions, please call Kim Dillard, SGA sponsor, at 372-1138.

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween! Folders will be sent home today, 10/31. Please sign and return tomorrow, 11/01.

  • The Pee Wee and Termite Banquet is Tuesday, Nov. 8th at 6:30 in the cafetorium.
  • Please make sure you have sent addresses and stamps.
  • This Wednesday is the day to turn in Veggie Orders.
  • SGA will collect pop tops for Children’s Hospital again this year.
  • Friday, November 11, is a school holiday.
  • The Thanksgiving Program will be Friday, November 18th.
This "Boo" sign is a free printable from :)

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Fall Festival, Party, Basketball, and Addresses

Thank you so much for all the volunteers! See you at the Fall Festival!

6:00 - 6:30: Jo Starling
6:30 - 7:00: Stacie Black/Jodie Singleton
7:00 - 7:30: Nelly Robledo
7:30 - 8:00: Amy Floyd

Please remember that the Halloween Party is on Friday and I need the money for lunch before then. And thanks to Suzanne Shirley for picking up the Firehouse on Friday.

Boys, please remember to send back the basketball form if you are interested in playing. I need to get those back to Coach Pickett as soon as I can.

And lastly, please send in your addresses and stamps for the Thanksgiving invitations - I am going to print the invitations, envelopes, and decorations at the UPS store and I need to know how many to make.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Party and Thanksgiving Program

Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party is this Friday at 12:00pm. We will be having Firehouse Subs for lunch so everyone needs to send $3.50 as soon as possible. Also, the following people have signed up to bring:

Chips – Jack and Isabel

Dip – Miranda and Sarah Todd

Cookies – Porter

Cupcakes – Matalie

Sweets – Ty

Drinks – Ivy, Caden, and Megan A.

Cooler with ice – Mary

If you would like to send anything else please do so!

Thanksgiving Program
The Thanksgiving program for the 4th grade will be on Friday, November 18, before Thanksgiving Break. (Remember we have a whole week for Thanksgiving break this year.)

We will be working on addressing envelopes in class so please send your address and a stamp so we can send an invitation. If you would like to invite anyone else please send their addresses and stamps for their invitations.

A Thanksgiving lunch will follow the program and order forms will be sent with the invitations.

We will be assigning parts for this program this week. Please work with your child to make sure they learn their part.

Please let me know when you can work our Wheel of Fortune booth at the fall festival!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Halloween Party

Our Halloween Party will be on Friday, October 28 at 12:00. We will be having Firehouse Subs for our Halloween Party lunch so please send $3.50. Also, some children have signed up to bring the following:

Chips - Jack and Isabel
Dip - Miranda and Sarah Todd
Cookies - Porter
Cupcakes - Matalie
Sweets - Ty
Drinks - Ivy, Caden, Megan A.
Cooler with ice - Mary

*If you would like to send anything else please do so! Thanks!

The Fall Festival is the Thursday before our party, Oct. 27 - and I will need at least 4 parents to volunteer to work our Wheel of Fortune Booth. Thanks!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Bushel and a Peck

You can practice our Grandparent's Day song here: Bushel and a Peck

Field Trip and Thanksgiving Program

 Please remember about our field trip to Daybreak Farms Corn Maze Adventures in Greenville, AL on Wednesday, October 19, 2011. The address is 3622 Honoraville Road, Greenville, AL 36037

Drivers for the field trip are: (Please make sure the office has a copy of your license and insurance)

1. Cae Allen
2. Nelly Robledo
3. Missy Ramage
4. Jo Starling
5. Jodie Singleton
6. Wes Norman *** Wes Norman is unable to attend – If anyone would like to take his place please let me know ASAP! Thanks! VSR
7. Kim Sasser
8. Amanda Paul
9. Christy Laviner
10. Daryl Calhoun

Everyone will need to bring a lunch that does not need to be heated and a couple drinks (no cokes) in a throw away lunch bag – there is one in their communication folders. Parent drivers please put a cooler in your car to keep lunches and drinks cold. Also, since we will be traveling during our normal snack time, you may want to send a morning snack to be eaten in the car on the way there.

Pumpkins will be available to purchase starting at $2 and going up depending on the size, so if you would like to buy one please bring money.

We will need to leave no later than 8:00am so everyone needs to make sure they get to school before 7:45am.

• The MAiZe website:

The Thanksgiving program for the 4th grade will be on Friday, November 18, before Thanksgiving Break. (Remember we have a whole week for Thanksgiving break this year)

We will be working on addressing envelopes in class so please send your address and a stamp so we can send an invitation. If you would like to invite anyone else please send their addresses and additional stamps. I need all addresses and stamps by Friday, October 28 so I can know how many invitations and envelops to have made.

A Thanksgiving lunch will follow the program and order forms will be sent with the invitations.

Friday, October 14, 2011

Grandparent's Day

Grandparent’s Day is scheduled for Friday, October 21st for grades K4-6 in the cafetorium. This is a time for children to invite a grandparent, godparent or special visitor for a program. Unfortunately, we do not have the space for our parents and reserve this program for grandparents or special visitor. The first program will begin at 1:00 and the second program will begin at 1:30.

The first program will feature the 5th and 6th graders in a “Presentation of Seasons.” The grandparents of these students will meet in the cafetorium and may visit the book fair with their grandchildren following the program.

After a short intermission, the second program will consist of each homeroom (K4-4) presenting a simple song, poem or story. Each homeroom will be featured on the stage for their part and will then go back to the classroom. After each homeroom has presented, the grandparents will be invited to the child’s classroom for dismissal and may visit the book fair.

Please make certain that students understand their dismissal plans since the program will conclude near the end of the school day. We do look forward to hosting a special day for our special loved ones.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Message from PTO

PARENTS: please check your tie-dyed field trip t-shirts to make sure they are not defective. What to look for: cracking of design, fading of colors, ink coming completely off. If you have any of these problems please return the shirt. Please put the shirt in a bag with a note that has the child's name and homeroom teacher. The bags need to dropped off in the office with Mrs. Trecy. Please don't hesitate to send your DEFECTIVE shirt back. The PTO wants you to be satisfied with your purchase and we will gladly replace the shirt for you. Thank you for your patience and understanding regarding this issue.

If you have any questions please call Mandie Baker.

Mandie Baker
Pike Liberal Arts School
PTO Vice-President

334-221-8467 cell
334-566-2842 home
334-566-2023 leave message at school

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

4-H form and upcoming dates

Folders went home today, October 4. Please sign and return in the morning. Please help your child complete the 4-H enrollment form that is in the folder, and return ASAP. This is also important because our next unit in Language will be on writing letters and many students need to learn their addresses! Thanks :)

Gift wrap sales have been extended until Friday, October 7. There will be a PTO meeting this Thursday at 6:00 p.m. and this Friday is the last day of this nine weeks. Also, AR goals must be met by Friday afternoon.

Also don't forget that the beginning of next week, October 10-12, is our Fall Break. The book fair will be the week of, October 17-21. Our field trip to Daybreak Farms is October 19. Grandparent's Day is October 21 - we will have more information about this soon. And the Fall Festival is on October 27 from 6:00-8:00. We will need parent volunteers for this and I will let you know what our booth is when it has been assigned. Thanks!

Red Ribbon Week will be October 24- 28 and the dress up for the week is:
Monday - BE RED-Y WHEN ASKED! Wear red that day. SGA will pass out ribbons for students.
Tuesday - DON’T BE MIXED UP WITH DRUGS! Wear mixed up, or mismatched clothing.
Wednesday - BE TWICE AS STRONG! Dress as twins, triplets, quadruplets, etc.
Thursday - DON’T BE SCARED TO TAKE A STAND! Wear you Halloween costume.
Friday - BE COMFORTABLE WITH YOUR DECISION! Wear pajamas. No spaghetti straps on tops.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Gift Wrap Sales and Other Dates

Folders went home today(9/26). Please sign and return in the morning(9/27).

Gift wrap sales start today.

Here are some important upcoming dates:
Tuesday, Sept. 27th the following pictures will be made: Termite Cheerleaders at 3:00 and Termite Football at 3:30.

October 3 - Professional Development Day (Teacher In-service) - NO SCHOOL FOR STUDENTS

October 10-12 - Fall Break

October 17-21 - Book Fair

October 21 - Grandparent's Day (TBA)

October 27 - Fall Festival 6:00-8:00 (More details later)

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Wagon Parade

The Wagon Parade is at 10:45 in the morning. The K4-4th will parade between high school building and the gym and then make their way to the field. The Homecoming Pep Rally is at 11:15 and everyone will be dismissed from school at 12:00.

Don't forget to were your surfing clothes for the parade tomorrow!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Muffins with Mom! Message from PTO

Muffins with Mom!

Thursday September 22, 2011 7:00am - 8:00am PLAS Cafateria

Muffins with Mom is a "come and go" event for students k4 - 4th grade and their Mommies. The cost is $5 per family and will be collected at the door. All Mommies are encouraged to come have a muffin and juice with your child(ren) before going to work or starting the rest of your day.

Please come have a quick muffin with your child while also supporting the PTO.

Information is on under announcements, PTO tab.

Also find us on Facebook PLAS PTO News

If you have any questions please contact Mandie Baker.
566-2842 home
334-221-8467 cell

Thank you for supporting PLAS PTO,
Mandie Baker
PTO Vice-President

Monday, September 19, 2011

Novel Units

We will be doing novel studies for reading for the next 3 weeks. Our class will be reading A Bear Called Paddington. They were issued books from the library today that they may take home, however every student must have their book in class everyday. We will be using them everyday!!! We will have vocabulary from the chapters we are reading each week as well as a study guide as usual every Thursday. We will also be doing spelling from our regular book. I love Paddington bear and I know they will too! :)

Also, even though Friday is a very fun day, we still have to take our Spelling and Reading Tests and VOCAB Quiz. Remember - the faster everyone comes in and gets to work, the faster we will be done and can get ready for the parade.

Dress Up Days

Please do not bring swords of any kind for ninja and pirate days.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Please remember to send things for our Homecoming Wagon (scroll down to read all about it)- We also really need some blue paint and blue and white glitter. Thanks!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Picture Information

K4-4th grade school day pictures will be taken tomorrow. 5th – 7th graders will be taken on Wednesday, and 8th -11th grade and make-up is Thursday

The following pictures will be made on: Thursday, Sept. 22-Varsity Football-7th period; Monday, Sept. 26th – JV Volleyball-6th period and Varsity Volleyball-7th period; Tuesday, Sept. 27th – JV Football- 6th period, Termite Cheerleaders at 3:00 and Termite Football at 3:30.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homecoming Week: September 19-23

The Homecoming theme this year is "Around the World."
The Patriots will play Hooper Academy Colts.

Dress Up Days for the week:
Monday - Pike Rules! Dress up like kings and queens from England.
Tuesday - Kick the Colts! Dress up like ninjas or karate from Japan.
Wednesday - Hook Hooper! Dress up like pirates from Tortuga.
Thursday - Best team Around the World! Wear Homecoming shirt or jerseys & cheerleader uniforms.
Friday - K4-4th dress to match wagon theme - 4th Grade theme is "Surf over the Colts" for the state California

We will work on our wagon next week. We will create a beach/ocean theme. If you have boogie boards, noodles, a small umbrella, beach balls or other "beachy" things please send them labeled with your child's name.

9:00 - Assembly (We will not attend)
10:30 - K4-4th will line up in front of high school building for parade.
10:45 - Wagon parade -We will parade between high school building and the gym and make our way to the field. Parents are to line the parade route and then join us at the stadium. Please do not come to the classroom.
11:15 - Pep rally
12:00 - School wide dismissal

**We will have snack but lunch will not be served at school.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Game Announcement and Field Trip Info

This Friday we play Monroe Academy. All Patriot fans are urged to join the “White Out” by wearing white to the game. The Sports Booster urges you to purchase a white game day shirt for $12.00 to wear. They will be selling the shirts tonight during the JV game and tomorrow during lunch.
Also, I have updated the Field Trip information page!

Friday, September 2, 2011

School Holiday Monday

Don't forget that Monday is a School Holiday! See you Tuesday! :)

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Online Math Book

Our wonderful math book has a TON of online resources at but you can also view the entire book online (this is great if one is forgotten at school...) at with the access code FB8D0224DB.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011


 Order forms will be sent home today. The deadline for order forms to be turned by in is Monday, August 29th. The shirts are really cool this year-so get your orders in early!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Message from PTO


We have 2 different contest going on right now for the PLA students.

1. The Pizza Party Contest!!!!!
How it works: this is based on the number of discount cards that each class sells. We know that some classes have more students than others, so we are going to base it on the %.
1 class winner K4-6th grade
1 class winner 7th-9th grade
1 class winner 10th-12th grade
Each winning class will have a pizza party provided by the PTO!

2. The 100% Contest!!!!
How it works: each student must have a parent sign up for PTO, the students must buy a field trip t-shirt and each student must sell 10 or more discount cards. The class that has each student participate 100% will win! There can be more than one class that wins. We would be happy to have every class win!!
WINNERS: receive all 3 below!
Pizza Party
Ice Cream Party
No Homework Pass (one per student)

OVERALL 100% winner with most % of sales will get a surprise from the PTO.

We wanted to give the students an incentive for all their hard work. We hope this will motivate them to sell cards, get their parents to join PTO and buy a field trip t-shirt.

Thank you for supporting the PTO! Many of you are already members for 2011-2012. It's AWESOME to see the positive energy, desire and drive that all of you have when it comes to the growing needs of our school. Without all of you the PTO can not exist. As our school grows, so do the educational and physical needs. The PTO wants to be there every step of the way to help with any need that may arise. As a member of PTO, you are a vital part in the continuous growth and maintenance of our precious PIKE LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOL. If you have not joined PTO and would like to, you can message me or download the form from the announcements page of the website at

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Thank You!

Thank you to Mary Ramage for bringing a NEW pencil sharpener for our class!

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


The Pike County Chamber of Commerce Junior Ambassador Program has asked our school’s help in collecting teddy bears for the local police stations, hospitals, and other organizations. These teddy bears will be given out to children for comfort in their times of trouble. Drop off your teddy bears at the main office or Mrs. Carr’s office. We will begin on Wednesday and collect until Halloween. Teddy bears and stuffed animals should be 12 inches tall and they should be clean.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Message from PTO

PLAS: PATRIOTS if you ordered a t-shirt from the PTO and received a partial order or no shirt...don't be alarmed. We sold out, but we will have more starting tomorrow though next Wednesday. If you have questions, FB me, call 566-2842h, call 334-221-8467c, or leave a msg at PLA. Thanks for your support & patience. ~ Mandie
Also, forms will be in your communication folders for T-Shirts and Discount cards.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Reading and Math

We are almost through our first week of school! Everyone is doing great adjusting to TWO teachers and keeping organized! Great Job! I wanted to tell you about a couple things that are going on in Reading and Math:

In Math we are working on Multiplication Speed Drills. We have begun with the 2-3 tables. The speed drill has 25 multiplication and 25 division problems and they are allowed 5 min. We will do the speed drills about five times, but once a student has made a 100, or missed none, they no longer have to do them. After most, or all, have completed the drill with a 100 we will move on to the next set. I will let you know when we are going to move on to the next set so you can practice at home.

We do Reading VOCAB every Monday. I will try to post the VOCAB on my blog because some words are not listed in the back of the book. Everyone will need to make sure they have their VOCAB defined for Tuesday because we start writing VOCAB sentences and using them when we read the story. Also, they will have a VOCAB Quiz on Fridays after their Reading Test. This will include matching definitions to the words and starting this week, filling in a sentence with a VOCAB word. The matching part is exactly like the definitions they were given or looked up so it is very important that they are studied every week!!! To study for their Reading Test, I give them a Study Guide every Thursday. They should be looked over on Thursday night to prepare for the test on Friday. Both the VOCAB and Study Guide will be turned in Friday morning.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Fourth Grade Supply List

Plastic supply box
Crayons -24 count
Crayola colored pencils
Bottle of glue
Ruler (centimeter and inch markings)
1 dozen Ticonderoga pencils
Crayola magic markers
Watercolor paint set
1 Steno pad
1 highlighter
2 plastic 3-ring binders or 3/5 subject notebooks
3 pocket folders (plastic or laminated)
2 packs loose-leaf paper
Fiskar scissors - sharp tip
Paper towels
Kleenex tissue
Clorox cleaning wipes
Baby wipes
Antibacterial soap
Hand sanitizer

Please unpack everything from its packaging, label everything with a black sharpie, and put everything into busy boxes (plastic supply box.)

Friday, May 13, 2011

Friday, May 13

The State Notebooks must be turned in Monday, 5/16, for an EXTRA CREDIT TEST GRADE :) in Language & History. It will not be counted against students if they do not turn this project in, but it can help bring up averages in these subjects. We will not accept this project after Monday. THANKS!!!!

***Please scroll down for party information.

***Lunches for next week on Wednesday, May 18th will be:
Chicken baskets
Crinkle fries/Curly fries
Potato logs
Soft taco
Hot dog

Thursday, May 19th will be:

Chicken Basket
Crinkle fries/Curly fries

Chili cheese Fries

Monday, May 9, 2011

4th Grade End of the Year Party

Our class party will be Tuesday, May 17, 2011 from 9:30 – 2:00 at Murphree Park.

Please send $4.50 by Thursday, May 12. We will be playing outside games and watching a movie in the pavilion. Please send sunscreen and a towel. They may where hats since we will be outside. Please let us know if you have any games, balls, or other outside equipment that you can send for the party.

We will need at least 6 parent drivers to get everyone to the park. Drivers: Tracey Clifton, Beth Rose

We will also need a volunteer to pick up our sandwich trays from Momma Goldberg’s around 11:45 and someone to send a cooler with ice for drinks. - Tracey Clifton If your schedule does not allow you to drive, please feel free to stop by when it is convenient for you.

Volunteers for food are:
• Chips – Seth, Kaylee, Cassidy, Dekota
• Dip – Cameron, Hudson, Gracie, Trey (preferably the kind that doesn’t have to be refrigerated before opening)
• Cookies – Ashelyn, Caroline
• Cupcakes – Cody, Mallory, Emma, Gavin
• Other Sweets – Tristen, Caleb
• Drinks – Emmy, Brock, Bryant, Nikki (Cans or Capri suns – no bottles because we will not have cups and ice)
• Water - Douglas, Brayden, Jack
• Plates/Napkins – Nathan, Slade

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Drivers and Students must be here at 7:30!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

There is a note in their backpacks about the field trip! Please Read!!!

You may bring a snack and a drink for the Powder Puff game tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

April 26, 2011

We will be attending the Pike County Groundwater Festival at Troy University this Wednesday, 04/27. We need parents to drop us off at the Science/Math building on campus at 9:50 and pick us up at the food court around 1:30. This is a educational and fun trip! Please e-mail me or send a note ASAP. Sorry for the short notice. We received the information late last week. Your child will need money to eat at the food court. THANKS
We will send folders home today, 04/26.

The powder puff game is on Friday, April 29. Cost is $2. Proceeds go to Relay for Life. PLEASE SEND THIS MONEY BY THURSDAY, 04/27.

SGA is selling paper megaphones for $1.00 to honor cancer victims. Each megaphone will have the slogan “Cheer for a chance to cure cancer”, and the honoree’s name on it.

Also, luminaries may be purchased for $5.00. Students have a form if they would like to purchase one.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

We have had a change of plans for our field trip. Tomorrow we will be going to the State House and then the Little White House of the Confederacy. We will be going to the Capital on the May 6th field trip. Drivers still need to be here at 9:15 as times have not changed and lunch will still be at 1:00 at Chappy’s Deli.

Monday, April 18, 2011


  • Thank you to all my wonderful kids for being so sweet to Miss Lori! I had a wonderful trip to Spain and Italy and we have talked today about saying some words in French, Itailian, and Spanish! Ask them about how to say Hello!
  • Douglas's mom will provide pizza and cupcakes for Douglas's birthday on Monday, April 25. Thanks!
  • In conjunction with “Relay for Life”, the SGA will be selling megaphones for $1.00 honoring cancer victims. Each megaphone will have the slogan “Cheer for a chance to cure cancer”, and the honoree’s name on it. The megaphones will be displayed in the cafetorium until the powder puff day, then taken to the football field.
  • This week is “Go Green Week”. Collect the items designated for your class.
  • April 22 (Good Friday) is a school holiday.
  • Since I was not here last week and they ran out of time for the Reading test, today they have done their "Martha" Study Guide and tomorrow they will take their "Martha" Test and Vocab quiz. They will get their new VOCAB words tomorrow, then we will read the story "Shadow of a Bull" and do the Study Guide on Wednesday and Thursday we will take our Reading Test and Vocab quiz.

Field Trip Information
The following parents have volunteered to drive to the field trip on Friday; please let us know TOMORROW if this has changed and you are not able to drive or if you have planned to come.
  1. Holley Davis
  2. Amy Boswell
  3. Janice Topolse
  4. Pam Benton
  5. Kim Stevens
  6. Teresa Siether
  7. Natalie Ferraro
  8. Michelle Brown
  9. Ann Holloway
  10. Angie Tomas
  11. Tracy Clifton
  12. Lori Garrett
  13. Melody Avant
  14. Janan Hussey
  15. Sabrina Lassiter
  16. Beth Rose

 Chaperones will be assigned the students that will be riding with them on Friday morning. Please help us by being responsible for keeping up with the students in your group and your group’s behavior.

Also, make sure the office has a copy of your driver’s license and insurance card.

Directions to Capital Building
  • FROM HWY 231 NORTH: Take Hwy 231 North to Montgomery. Turn right onto Eastern Blvd (Hwy 231). After 3 miles, exit right onto I-85 South. Take I-85 South for 5 ½ miles. Take Exit 1 (Union Street). Bear right onto Union Street and continue with Union Street Directions.
  • UNION STREET DIRECTIONS: On Union Street, follow the right center lane for ¾ mile. After crossing Washington Street, merge into far right lane and stop in front of glass kiosks on the right. The Capitol is located across the street on the left.
  • PARKING: Metered street parking is available for Capitol visitors. Meters are usually $0.25/hour and limited to two hours. Metered spaces are free on Saturday and Sunday. Complimentary parking is available at Crampton Bowl Stadium.
Directions to Chappy’s Deli: Return to I-85 South and Take exit 4 for Perry Hill Rd. Keep right at the fork, follow signs for Carmichael Rd/Vaughn Rd and merge onto Perry Hill Rd. Sharp left to stay on Perry Hill Rd. Destination will be on the right - 1611 Perry Hill Rd, Montgomery, AL 36106

Field Trip Rules: Please read and review with you child.
  1. Stay with your group: Please stay with your assigned teachers or chaperones and proceed through the Capitol as he or she instructs you. If you become separated, go to the pre-arranged location and alert a staff member to help find your group. Do not run at any time. Students should not play on the escalators. Eating, drinking and smoking are not allowed in the State Capitol or the Goat Hill Museum Store.
  2. Conversation: Please feel free to ask questions of your tour guide and other staff members. Please be respectful and let each person finish his or her comments before speaking again. We encourage participation between the tour guide and visitors. Please be mindful that the Alabama State Capitol is a “working building” and that there are people conducting important state business in the offices that you see. Keep voices and noise levels to a minimum, as we want to avoid disrupting those who work in the building. Groups unable to pay attention and tour the Capitol quietly will be escorted to the nearest exit.
  3. Touching: Please follow the “do not touch” rules regarding walls, artwork and historic artifacts. If you are not sure, please ask if an item is touchable.
  4. Food, chewing gum, drinks, music headsets, beepers, cellular phones: Food, chewing gum, and drinks are not allowed in the building. These food items attract insects that can damage objects. Please leave all radio/stereo headsets in the bus or locked auto. Beepers and cellular phones are permitted but should be turned off or to “vibrate” setting.
  5. Photography: Allowed; turn flash off when photographing near historic furnishings or artwork.
  6. Exhibit furniture and historic surroundings: For your safety, please do not lean against any exhibit items, cases or railings. Please do not sit on any furniture in the State Capitol unless otherwise instructed. Please proceed carefully on the stairs or escalators and do not play while on them. Always use handrails and proceed single file. Leave wet umbrellas in reception area.
  7. Restrooms: Public restrooms are located in the Union Street Lobby, Street Level. A chaperone must accompany students if they have to visit the restrooms during the tour.
  8. Be aware of your surroundings: Since this is a public historic site, anyone may visit. Be aware of who and what is around you. Please report any suspicious items or behavior to the site staff members immediately.
Field Trip Itinerary
*** We WILL have our Spelling and Reading tests this morning so please come prepared for them!
9:15: Drivers need to arrive at the school to get ready to leave
10:30: Snack outside the Capital grounds
11:00: Tour the Capital and State House
1:15: Leave for lunch at Chappy’s Deli on Perry Hill Road
2:15: Drive back to school
***Depending on the time it takes for lunch we may not be back by 3:00. If you have any other children in other grades, please make sure you make arrangements as it may be closer to 3:15 by the time we are back.
Other Reminders:
  • Students will need to bring a drink and snack that does not need to be heated. 
  • There will be a gift shop, so if your child would like to purchase something please send money and discuss this with them prior to Friday. 
  • EVERYONE will be expected to go to Chappy’s Deli for lunch. Parents will order their lunch when we get there and the children’s lunches have been preorded. 
  • Please remember to dress appropriately in “nice” clothes for our field trip. Also, girls do not wear skirts as we will be sitting on the floor and climbing stairs often.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Lunch Money

The Lunch Money for the field trip is due THIS FRIDAY, April 08!!! I have one order as of today.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Recycling Competition

Please send aluminum cans for the Go Green Week competition! The contest begins April 6 and ends April 20th. Please make sure aluminum cans are washed out and free of any liquids. Have bags tied together and make sure you write the teacher name and grade so each bag goes in the right place!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Chappy's Deli Order

We will be eating at the Chappy's Deli at Perry Hill after our field trip on April 21st. Money and lunch orders for each student needs to be in by April 8 (that is next Friday) so we can get the money turned in to Mrs. Mary Ann. Any adults going on the field trip will order and pay separately at the restaurant the day of the trip. The student choices are:

1. Chicken Fingers with chips - $2.75
2. Pizza - $2.75
3. Hamburger with chips - $2.75
4. Cheeseburger with chips - $3.41

(All include a drink and tax)

Monday, March 28, 2011

March 28, 2011

Folders were sent home today(3/28). Please sign & return in the morning(3/29). Also, please sign and return report cards by Friday (4/1).

We will SAT Test next week. Please make sure your child has plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast. They will need a good supply of #2 pencils. :) Also, if anyone would like to volunteer to bring a snack for the children during our break each day please let me know. Thanks! It is so important that we keep them energized!
Monday - Ann Holloway
Tuesday - Amy Boswell
Wednesday - Tracy Clifton
Thursday - Holley Davis
Friday -

PLEASE scroll down for field trip information. Let us know ASAP if you plan to go on these trips. THANKS!!!

Info from the Bulletin:
The Red Cross Blood Drive is April 12th from 8:00 until 2:30.

There will be a Technology Trot 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on April 10, 2011. The proceeds from this race will be used to help purchase new computers. 

Pike County Rodeo Pageant will be held April 16th at 6:00 p.m. at the Cattlemen’s Building. Deadline to register is April 8.

Technology Fair is April 26th.

1st Annual Pike Liberal Arts Memorial Talent Show featuring 7-9 contestants will be May 9th, 1:30 in the cafetorium.

4-H Competition Day is April 23 and Chicken Que is April 30.

The Powder Puff game will be held on Friday, April 29.

Friday, April 8th, school will dismiss at 1:00 p.m. We will use the same modified schedule we used before spring break. The cafeteria will serve a sack lunch with your choice of: chicken tenders, hamburgers, cheeseburger with fries, 2 cookies and drink for $4.00. Please let them know how many of each lunch by Wednesday, April 6.

All artwork for District Art Show must be turned in to Mrs. Goff by Monday.

Monday, March 14, 2011

March 14, 2011

Folders were sent home today, 03/14. Please sign & return in the morning, 03/15.

We will dismiss Friday, March 18th, at 12:45 due to the Jonah McWaters Tournament. We will have a "brunch" Friday morning at 10:00am. Breakfast items will be available or a box lunch can be ordered that will cost $4.00. Menu is:
  • All breakfast and snack items
  • 4 chicken tenders, reg. fries, 2 cookies, and drink
  • Hamburger/cheeseburger, reg. fries, 2 cookies, and drink.
Those who plan to order need to turn in their order to me by Wednesday. There will be no After School Care that day.

Yearbooks are $45. Friday, 03/18, is the last day to purchase, and no extras will be ordered.

Remember that next week, 03/21 - 03/25 is SPRING BREAK.  HAVE A FUN AND SAFE WEEK!

There will be Technology Trot 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run on April 10, 2011. The proceeds from this race will be used to help purchase new computers. A flyer about this will be sent home today.

PLEASE scroll down for field trip information. Let us know ASAP if you plan to go on these trips.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alabama History Field Trips

Due to the special tour Mrs. Shirley Reddoch has set up for us at the Capitol and State House on April 21st, we will make a second trip to Montgomery to visit the Archives and Little White House of the Confederacy on May 6th.

Thursday - April 21, 2011
After taking our reading and spelling tests, we will leave school around 9:15. We will then be able to have a quick snack outside before our tour of the Capitol and State House at 11:00. We are estimating about 2 hours for the tour, and then we will eat lunch at Chappy's Deli on Perry Hill Rd. This will be the only cost of the field trip. Chappy's has given us a special kids menu of Chicken Fingers & Fries, Cheeseburger & Fries, or Pizza. I will give you exact prices soon so we can pre-order the kid's food. The adults will order when we arrive however, in order to watch the time, please look over the menu and be ready to order. We need to know ASAP by e-mail or note if you plan to attend the field trip with your child.

Chappy's Deli at Perry Hill - Click on menu

Friday - May 6, 2011
We will leave school at 8: 30 to go tour the Cattlemen's Mooseum at 10:00, the Archives building at 11:00, and then Little White House of the Confederacy at 12:00. We will then go to the Pizza Perfect on Coliseum Blvd. Again, this is the only cost of the trip and I will let you know the prices sooner to time . Also, please let us know ASAP if you plan to attend this field trip.

Pizza Perfect

Monday, March 7, 2011

March 07, 2011

Folders will be sent home today. They need to be signed and returned by tomorrow, March 08.

The Yearbook Staff will be selling yearbooks from today, March 7 until Friday, March 18th. Cost is $45.00 each. No extras will be ordered.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

February 17, 2011

  • We will have classes next Monday, February 22.  We will be making up a bad weather day.
  • High School Play will be March 6th and 7th (school performance) at 10:00 a.m. Cost will be $3.00 for students.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Valentine's Party

A note will be sent home today about the Valentine's Party, please look over the information. Thanks!
Also, please send a shoe box to decorate!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Valentine's Party

Folders were sent home today. Please sign and return tomorrow.

Valentine's Party:
We will be ordering McDonald's for our party on FRIDAY. Your choices are:

1. Double Cheeseburger and Fries - $2.00
2. 6 Piece Nuggets and Fries - $3.79

Since we will be ordering from the school it is tax free. Please have your money here THURSDAY morning so we can get a check. Other items for the party are:

Drinks: Tristen and Mallory/ Nikki and Trey
Cupcakes: Nathan and Seth/ Dekota and Slade
Other Sweets: Cody and Brock/ Caroline and Gavin

*Please feel free to bring something even if you did not sign up.

They will also be exchanging Valentine's cards at the party Friday. Please bring enough for both classes. Here are a list of names:
Mrs. Robison's Class
  1. Brayden Brown
  2. Tristen Carter
  3. Mallory Clifton
  4. Brock Davis
  5. Kaylee Ferarro
  6. Cody Hollis
  7. Nathan Holloway
  8. Seth Lewis
  9. Cameron Rodgers
  10. Hudson Rose
  11. Emmy Stevens
  12. Douglas Topolse
  13. Ashelyn Atwell

Mrs. Barron's Class
  1. Gavin Barnes
  2. Trey Barnes
  3. Caroline Bish
  4. Emma Claire Boswell
  5. Cassidy Garrett
  6. Caleb Huett
  7. Nikki Huett
  8. Bryant Hussey
  9. Dekota Lasseter
  10. Slade Rose
  11. Gracie Senn
  12. Jackson Thomas 

Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

***Folders went home today (1/31). Please sign and return in the morning (2/1). Progress reports are in the folder today.

***We will be treated to pizza by Slade Rose tomorrow for lunch. All students will need is a drink. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLADE!!!!!!!!

***It is that time again where our students participate in Jumprope For Heart with all money raised going to the American Heart Association. Flyers and collection envelopes will come home in the communication folder and are due back on February 9th. Please encourage your child to seek sponsors so that our school continues helping this good cause.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

  • Folders will be sent home today. Please sign and return tomorrow (01/25)
  • I will not be here tomorrow because I will be at the District Spelling Bee. I will not be able to check my e-mail but  if you need something, please e-mail Jennifer.
Field Trip Reminders:
  • ALL drivers need to make sure the office has a copy of your license and insurance card BEFORE Friday.
  • I also need the cell phone number of all parents/grandparents going on the field trip. Please e-mail it to me ASAP! It is so important that we are able to reach each other while we are in Montgomery.
  • Drivers please be here at 9:00am Friday morning so we can load and leave by 9:15.
  • Remember that EVERYONE needs money for lunch and can bring money for the gift shop.
  • Everyone also needs to dress nicely for the field trip. We are representatives of our school and should dress and act appropriately.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My e-mail is fixed! Thanks!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

  • Reports were due today. Please turn them in ASAP - if you have not yet received your child's report card, please contact the office at 566.2023
  • Folders will be sent home today - please sign and return them tomorrow! 

The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit
  • The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit is tomorrow, Jan. 18.
  • Categories to enter are: Cakes, Cookies, and Breads. They may enter one, two, or all three categories but only one entry per category.
  • The recipe must be "made from scratch;" no pre-boxed or store bought mixes can be used.
  • Also, the recipe for the entry must be written on a card or sheet of paper to display with the baked food.
  • All entries should be here in the morning.  
Field Trip!
  • We have planned a field trip to the Gayle Planetarium in Montgomery for Friday, January 28.
  • The cost is $2.75 for children and $4 for adults.
  • Please send money in by this Friday, Jan. 21. Also, please e-mail or send a note to let us know  if you can drive for the field trip ASAP.
  • After the Planetarium we will eat lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase. Kid's meals are around $4-5 so please send your child with money for lunch. Please keep in mind that additional items such as desserts are extra and if your child is planning on buying them they should have additional money.
  • There will also be a gift shop at the Planetarium.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

  • Folders went home today for both classes(1/11). Please sign and return them both in the morning(11/12).
  • Our party was great Friday. Thanks so much for the wonderful gifts!!!!!

Modified School Calendar

  • We will NOT be out for President's Day in February. This will be our make-up day for the early dismissal before Christmas break. To stay updated on events, check the school website calendar page.

  • The AISA Can-a-thon is under way! Our school is in competition against other AISA schools to collect canned foods for the less fortunate. Mrs. Sikes has challenged every student to bring 5 canned items. If we reach this goal, she will spend one entire day on top of the school building! The children are very excited about this! Also, the grade that collects the most canned goods will be rewarded with a pizza party. This is a great opportunity to help our local food bank. Your help is greatly appreciated!
K4 Registration
  • If you know anyone interested in the K4 program for the upcoming school year, applications are available in the office and online at

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan. 04, 2011

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I wanted to remind everyone that we will have our Christmas Party on Friday, January 07, at 12:00. We still have the pizza money and will order it for lunch Friday. I put a note in your child's folder(1/4) if they have not paid their $2.25 in cash for pizza. Other items are:
Cupcakes: Tristen Carter and Emmy Stevens
Cookies: Seth Lewis and Ashelyn Atwell
Other Sweets: Brock Davis
Chips: Nathan Holloway and Hudson Rose
Dip: Kaylee Ferraro and Mallory Clifton
Drinks: Cody Hollis and Brayden Brown (You may send clear, caffeine free sodas in cans - like Sprite, 7-UP, Sierra Mist, etc.)

*Any other treats or snacks are welcome, Thanks!

*Also, boys please bring a gift for a boy and girls bring a gift for a girl for a gift swap during our Christmas Party! (Please send gifts not exceeding $10.)
** Other Reminders:
Folders went home today - please returned them signed by tomorrow.

We will test on the Christmas Word List, Charlotte's Web Vocabulary & Chapters 16-22 Friday. We were working on all of this before Christmas Break.