Thursday, September 8, 2011

Homecoming Week: September 19-23

The Homecoming theme this year is "Around the World."
The Patriots will play Hooper Academy Colts.

Dress Up Days for the week:
Monday - Pike Rules! Dress up like kings and queens from England.
Tuesday - Kick the Colts! Dress up like ninjas or karate from Japan.
Wednesday - Hook Hooper! Dress up like pirates from Tortuga.
Thursday - Best team Around the World! Wear Homecoming shirt or jerseys & cheerleader uniforms.
Friday - K4-4th dress to match wagon theme - 4th Grade theme is "Surf over the Colts" for the state California

We will work on our wagon next week. We will create a beach/ocean theme. If you have boogie boards, noodles, a small umbrella, beach balls or other "beachy" things please send them labeled with your child's name.

9:00 - Assembly (We will not attend)
10:30 - K4-4th will line up in front of high school building for parade.
10:45 - Wagon parade -We will parade between high school building and the gym and make our way to the field. Parents are to line the parade route and then join us at the stadium. Please do not come to the classroom.
11:15 - Pep rally
12:00 - School wide dismissal

**We will have snack but lunch will not be served at school.