I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I wanted to remind everyone that we will have our Christmas Party on Friday, January 07, at 12:00. We still have the pizza money and will order it for lunch Friday. I put a note in your child's folder(1/4) if they have not paid their $2.25 in cash for pizza. Other items are:
Cupcakes: Tristen Carter and Emmy Stevens
Cookies: Seth Lewis and Ashelyn Atwell
Other Sweets: Brock Davis
Chips: Nathan Holloway and Hudson Rose
Dip: Kaylee Ferraro and Mallory Clifton
Drinks: Cody Hollis and Brayden Brown (You may send clear, caffeine free sodas in cans - like Sprite, 7-UP, Sierra Mist, etc.)
*Any other treats or snacks are welcome, Thanks!
*Also, boys please bring a gift for a boy and girls bring a gift for a girl for a gift swap during our Christmas Party! (Please send gifts not exceeding $10.)
** Other Reminders:
Folders went home today - please returned them signed by tomorrow.
We will test on the Christmas Word List, Charlotte's Web Vocabulary & Chapters 16-22 Friday. We were working on all of this before Christmas Break.