- Reports were due today. Please turn them in ASAP - if you have not yet received your child's report card, please contact the office at 566.2023
- Folders will be sent home today - please sign and return them tomorrow!
The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit
- The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit is tomorrow, Jan. 18.
- Categories to enter are: Cakes, Cookies, and Breads. They may enter one, two, or all three categories but only one entry per category.
- The recipe must be "made from scratch;" no pre-boxed or store bought mixes can be used.
- Also, the recipe for the entry must be written on a card or sheet of paper to display with the baked food.
- All entries should be here in the morning.
- We have planned a field trip to the Gayle Planetarium in Montgomery for Friday, January 28.
- The cost is $2.75 for children and $4 for adults.
- Please send money in by this Friday, Jan. 21. Also, please e-mail or send a note to let us know if you can drive for the field trip ASAP.
- After the Planetarium we will eat lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase. Kid's meals are around $4-5 so please send your child with money for lunch. Please keep in mind that additional items such as desserts are extra and if your child is planning on buying them they should have additional money.
- There will also be a gift shop at the Planetarium.