Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Book Drive and Doughnuts with Daddy

PTO will host a Book Drive November 16th-18th where parents can donate gently used books at the morning drop off that will be cataloged and used in our school library!!! We do need volunteers to help these mornings to receive the books during drop off.

*Sign up sheets are located on the bulletin board outside the main office.

Doughnuts with Daddy has been scheduled for November 18th from 7:15-8:00 in the cafetorium. This special time is for anyone school wide.

Details: We will be ordering the doughnuts from Daylight Doughnuts. The doughnuts are $7.00/doz.

*For anyone wanting to help or contribute to buying the doughnuts, the sign up sheets are on the bulletin board outside the main office.