Field Trips

We will be heading on a field trip to Daybreak Farms Corn Maze Adventures in Greenville, AL on Friday, October 12, 2012 The address is 3622 Honoraville Road, Greenville, AL 36037

Please let me know ASAP if you can drive for the field trip.

•  Cost: Students and chaperones, admission is $7.00.

Snack: We will be traveling during our normal snack time, so send a morning snack or they can go get something from the cafeteria before we leave to eat in the car on the way there.

Lunch: Everyone will need to bring a lunch that does not need to be heated and a couple drinks (no cokes) in a throw away lunch bag – I will send a brown paper bag with their name on it the day before.

•  Coolers: Parent drivers please put a cooler in your car to keep lunches and drinks cold.

Extra Money: Pumpkins will be available to purchase starting at $2 and going up depending on the size, so if you would like to buy one please bring money. The corn cannon and cow train cost $1.00. They also  have a concession stand with snacks and drinks.  Most everything in the concession stand is $1.00.

•  Times: We will leave around 8:00am so everyone needs to make sure they get to school on time.

• You can check out their website at: