Christmas Reminders
- Please remember that we are doing our Charlotte's Web unit this week. The test will be on Thursday instead of Friday.
- Folders were sent home today, please sign and return tomorrow.
- Tomorrow is our Pizza Lunch.
- Wednesday is Polar Express day. Wear your Pajamas. **Also if you have the Polar Express Movie at home please send it tomorrow for our class to watch on Wednesday.
- Thursday is our Christmas Party - please bring a gift to swap. Remember we are swapping school supplies and please do not go over $10 and wrap them. Also please remember to bring the goodies for our party.
- Friday, December 16, is the last day before Christmas and we will dismiss at 11:50.For the students who come on Friday we will be watching movies and cleaning the classroom to start a new semester. Students will need to bring a snack and drink that day because the lunchroom will be closed