- Folders went home today for both classes(1/11). Please sign and return them both in the morning(11/12).
- Our party was great Friday. Thanks so much for the wonderful gifts!!!!!
Modified School Calendar
- We will NOT be out for President's Day in February. This will be our make-up day for the early dismissal before Christmas break. To stay updated on events, check the school website calendar page.
- The AISA Can-a-thon is under way! Our school is in competition against other AISA schools to collect canned foods for the less fortunate. Mrs. Sikes has challenged every student to bring 5 canned items. If we reach this goal, she will spend one entire day on top of the school building! The children are very excited about this! Also, the grade that collects the most canned goods will be rewarded with a pizza party. This is a great opportunity to help our local food bank. Your help is greatly appreciated!
- If you know anyone interested in the K4 program for the upcoming school year, applications are available in the office and online at pikelib.com.