Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Message from PTO


We have 2 different contest going on right now for the PLA students.

1. The Pizza Party Contest!!!!!
How it works: this is based on the number of discount cards that each class sells. We know that some classes have more students than others, so we are going to base it on the %.
1 class winner K4-6th grade
1 class winner 7th-9th grade
1 class winner 10th-12th grade
Each winning class will have a pizza party provided by the PTO!

2. The 100% Contest!!!!
How it works: each student must have a parent sign up for PTO, the students must buy a field trip t-shirt and each student must sell 10 or more discount cards. The class that has each student participate 100% will win! There can be more than one class that wins. We would be happy to have every class win!!
WINNERS: receive all 3 below!
Pizza Party
Ice Cream Party
No Homework Pass (one per student)

OVERALL 100% winner with most % of sales will get a surprise from the PTO.

We wanted to give the students an incentive for all their hard work. We hope this will motivate them to sell cards, get their parents to join PTO and buy a field trip t-shirt.

Thank you for supporting the PTO! Many of you are already members for 2011-2012. It's AWESOME to see the positive energy, desire and drive that all of you have when it comes to the growing needs of our school. Without all of you the PTO can not exist. As our school grows, so do the educational and physical needs. The PTO wants to be there every step of the way to help with any need that may arise. As a member of PTO, you are a vital part in the continuous growth and maintenance of our precious PIKE LIBERAL ARTS SCHOOL. If you have not joined PTO and would like to, you can message me or download the form from the announcements page of the website at http://www.facebook.com/l/lAQBRna_BAQCCDkMvq1NWuTzphvP4HU0xJIAbk9xqeWlSRA/www.pikelib.com.