Thursday, March 10, 2011

Alabama History Field Trips

Due to the special tour Mrs. Shirley Reddoch has set up for us at the Capitol and State House on April 21st, we will make a second trip to Montgomery to visit the Archives and Little White House of the Confederacy on May 6th.

Thursday - April 21, 2011
After taking our reading and spelling tests, we will leave school around 9:15. We will then be able to have a quick snack outside before our tour of the Capitol and State House at 11:00. We are estimating about 2 hours for the tour, and then we will eat lunch at Chappy's Deli on Perry Hill Rd. This will be the only cost of the field trip. Chappy's has given us a special kids menu of Chicken Fingers & Fries, Cheeseburger & Fries, or Pizza. I will give you exact prices soon so we can pre-order the kid's food. The adults will order when we arrive however, in order to watch the time, please look over the menu and be ready to order. We need to know ASAP by e-mail or note if you plan to attend the field trip with your child.

Chappy's Deli at Perry Hill - Click on menu

Friday - May 6, 2011
We will leave school at 8: 30 to go tour the Cattlemen's Mooseum at 10:00, the Archives building at 11:00, and then Little White House of the Confederacy at 12:00. We will then go to the Pizza Perfect on Coliseum Blvd. Again, this is the only cost of the trip and I will let you know the prices sooner to time . Also, please let us know ASAP if you plan to attend this field trip.

Pizza Perfect