Friday, December 18, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Students and Parents,
Thank you all for the wonderful Christmas gifts! I love them all!! I can't believe we are already halfway through this school year. This fourth grade class is really working hard! I hope everyone has a great Christmas holiday and I will see you on January 4th, 2010!!!

XOXO - Mrs. Robison

Monday, December 14, 2009

Reminders 12/14 - 12/18

Please remember to send cans for the can drive and a love offering for Mr. Willie and Mr. Tyrone.

Tomorrow is Polar Express Day! Please wear your pajamas!

The PTO Christmas Store will be tomorrow, Tuesday, Dec.15th, and Wednesday, Dec. 16th. Send money with your child if you would like them to purchase something from the store.

Since Friday is a short day, we have decided to finish all our work and have our normal Friday tests, Reading and Spelling, on Thursday. Our Christmas party will also be on Thursday and will begin at 12:30. The following people have signed up to bring goodies for our party but anyone is welcome to bring anything they like and parents are welcome. **Please remember to bring enough for your class!**

.........................Mrs. Barron's Class ....................Mrs. Robison's Class
Drinks - ........Bailey R. and Tyler............................ Cason, and Mya

Cupcakes - ...Eden and Samantha.................... Kaylin and Anna Morgan

Sweets - ........Anna and Haleigh......................... Daisy and Hailey

Chips - ..........Taylor and Ridge.......................... Bailey B. and Reed 11

Dip - .................Spencer and Emma.................... Katelyn and Jensen

Plates/Napkins - Hollis and Gracie.........................Riley, and Parish

Monday, December 7, 2009

Reminders for 12/07 - 12/11

Please check the December calendar to keep track of all the upcoming events!!!

Progress Reports went home today in the communication folder.

We only have 7 more days left to AR!!!! Several students need to make their goals so everyone should be reading!!!!!!!

Please send $1 for Polar Express day.

Also, remember to send a love offering for Mr. Willie and Mr. Tyrone - they do a lot to keep our school clean!

Tomorrow is the Patriot Marketplace and the student's will have cards on sale.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Announcements for this week: 11/30 - 12/04

*** Please send a “Love Offering” for Mr. Willie and Mr. Tyrone.

*** State Championship shirts and sweatshirts are on sale. The order form will go home today and is due back by Friday.

***Folders will be sent home today.

*** This is a message from Kim Hollis: We would like to invite all students in grades 1st through 6th to ride on our float in the Brundidge Christmas Parade on Tuesday, December 1st. Please watch for a flyer on Monday regarding times and meeting place.

***SGA Can Drive starts today. It will end Dec. 18th.

*** If anyone has any old shoe boxes that they do not want anymore please send them to school for our Christmas bulletin board.

*** We will be starting our reading unit on Chocolate Fever and Charlotte's Web again. This nine weeks Mrs. Barron's class will be reading Chocolate Fever and Mrs. Robison's Charlotte's Web.

*** Tuesday, December 08 - Mrs. Goff will be selling the children's Christmas artwork at the Patriot Marketplace from 11-4. This will make great Christmas presents!!

4-H Announcements

1. On Wednesday and Thursday, December 2 & 3, 4-H exhibits for November will be picked up at each school. These exhibits are: t-shirt design; arts and crafts (8 categories); photography (4 categories in both Traditional and Altered photos); Environmental Stewardship Artwork; and Poster Art Exhibits (5 categories). All rules and guidelines were in the October and November
4-H Newsletters and in the 4-H Handbook.
Please turn in ALL of the exhibits to the school office so that they may be picked up either Wednesday or Thursday, December 2 or 3.
2. The Pike County 4-H Council will meet this Thursday, December 3, at 4:30 at the Pike County Extension Office.
3. The Pike County Cattlewomen's Beef Cook-off will be held on Tuesday, December 8, at 6:00 p.m. at the Pike County Extension Office.
This competition is open to ALL students (not just 4-H Members) in grades 6-12. If you need more information, please call the Extension office.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving Program

Everyone please remember about the program tomorrow at 10:30. The students should be dressed nicely for the program. I know you will all enjoy it, thanks to all the students for their hard work!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Thanksgiving Lunch and other reminders.

***Tomorrow is the last day to order lunch after the program on Tuesday.

*** There will be a Pep Rally tonight at 6:45.

*** School will dismiss tomorrow at 11:50 - Please make sure someone is here to pick up your child by 12:00 in order for everyone to make it to the game on time! Thanks!

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday Folders

I sent folders home again today (Tuesday) because they have the Thanksgiving lunch order form in them - also some students need to correct speed drills tonight!!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Important Info for 11/16 - 11/24

** We had a good time today at the Asian Experience program, thanks to all our drivers.

** Folders went home today, please send them back tomorrow. There are not many papers in my folders since last week was only three days long and we had no tests.

**I got the menu for next Thursday's Thanksgiving meal today after school, tomorrow you will get an order form that you will need to return by Friday.

PLA State Championship Game Day
The State Play-off game is Friday at 1:00 at Movie Gallery Stadium.
Tickets will be for sale in the office. Cost is $8.00 if you buy them here at the school, or $10.00 at the gate.
**There will be a Pep Rally Thursday night at 6:45.
***School will dismiss Friday at 11:50 a.m.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


The fourth grade has been invited to go to Troy University for the Asian Experience program on Monday, November 16, 2009. The program is from 9:30-12:00 in the ballrooms. We will eat lunch in the Trojan Center food court after it is over. (They have pizza, sandwiches, Chik-fil-a, etc - so they will need money for lunch.) We also need drivers to take the class to the university, drop them off, and then return to pick them up. Let me know TOMORROW if you can pick up from school at 9:00 and bring back at 12:45.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Important Information

The following is due tomorrow: School pictures, cookie dough orders, and play-off t-shirt orders.

The play-off t-shirt order form was just given to us today and I sent them home today. But, if you did not get yours home, they are gray long sleeve t-shirts. The shirts are $15.00 and pre-orders will be accepted until noon Thursday, Nov. 5. Students will receive the shirts at school on the following Friday. Orders will be accepted through Friday, Nov. 13. Some sizes will be available at the game for purchase. Please send a check with the sizes and quantities.

Also, please remember to send a tie for our bulletin board.

The creative writing assignment is for everyone to do. This will be a grade in Language. We have worked on them in class, but everyone needs to work on them at home tonight and tomorrow night. They are to be turned in Friday morning. The guidelines for the assignment are on a previous post. THIS IS FOR EVERYONE!

Progress Reports will be sent home next Tuesday in the communication folder since Monday is a school holiday.

Next Wednesday, your child needs to bring a small flag to be placed on the front lawn in honor of Veteran's Day. You can find this at any Dollar Store!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thanksgiving Program and Bulletin Board

We will be having a Thanksgiving Program on Tuesday, November, 24. Parents, Grandparents, and any other special guests are invited. I will send a letter home about this soon with the times and what you will need for the program.

Also, please send an OLD necktie for our thanksgiving bulletin board. We will be cutting them and gluing them and you will not get them back! If you would like, you may find a cheap tie at Goodwill or Salvation Army for us to use. Thanks!

Monday, November 2, 2009

AISA Creative Writing Contest

We will be participating in the creative writing contest this week. We will be working on this at school and everyone needs to work on this at home as well. Tomorrow after our test they will start on a rough draft - or if they start at home they need to bring it tomorrow.

All entries must begin with the following line: "I found a message in a bottle..."

Entries may be short stories, essays, or journal entries.

Entries must be handwritten (cursive only), 250 words or fewer. Word count should be posted at the end of the entry.

Entries must be of good taste.

No student or school names should appear anywhere on the entry. This information will be listed on the entry form provided. (I have this to put on the back of all writings.)

All entries are due by Friday, November 6th. The entries will be judged on November 10th. Only one winner be chosen for each division. (Our division are grades 3-5.) The winning student will have until Friday, November 13th to make any necessary corrections, then the writing will be sent to the AISA competition. The AISA competition is on November 19th.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


  • School pictures need to be returned to the office by Monday, Nov. 2nd.
  • The Fall Festival is scheduled tonight from 6:00 until 8:00.
  • Report cards should be signed by parent/guardian and returned today.
  • Remember to bring the things for the party tomorrow!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


We are going to do several fun games and activities on Friday after our party, and to do one we need some wax paper - if anyone has some around the house please send it of us to use! Thanks!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Festival and Halloween Party!

We need workers for the fall festival (this is for both classes)!!!!! Please e-mail me at when you are available to work our game.

6:00 - 6:30: Dana Floyd
6:30 - 7:00: Kimberly Dendy
7:00 - 7:30: Kim Sasser
7:30 - 8:00: Dawn Knotts

We are having a Halloween Party on Friday! These children have volunteered you to bring the following:

*Bring enough for your class only.

..................................4A ...........................................4B
Cupcakes ............Cason Murphree ............... Anna May
Chips .................. Reed Jinright ..................... Caroline Kirk
Chips .................. Hailey Sasser ..................... Samantha Yarbrough
Dip ...................... Katelyn Dendy................... Spencer Floyd
Drinks................. Sam McCall ........................ Tyler Tyson
Drinks .................Riley Ramage ..................... Gracie Blair
Plates.................. Kaylin Gibson ..................... Emma Strickland
Sweets ................ Anna Morgan...................... Fleming Eden Mobley
Sweets ................. Reed Johnson .....................Bailey Rushing

**** Anyone else who would like to send a snack, treat, or goody - Please do so! Also, any parents who would to come help with the party we will start around 9:00. Thanks!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


***Dress up tomorrow in something FANCY! Our wagon theme is "Dressed for Broadway"!

***If your child wants to eat lunch tomorrow at school the only choices are either a hamburger or hot dog and chips. If not they can bring a snack to eat.

***The wagon parade is tomorrow at 11:30 in the GYM followed by the Pep Rally. Please come and support our team if you can!

*** We will dismiss at 12:50 tomorrow!!! There will be no after school tomorrow.

***Any student who participated in fall sports is invited to ride on the PLAS float in Troy University's Homecoming Parade this Saturday, October 24. Please plan to arrive at spot 61 on Three Notch no later than 9:00am. If you have any questions, feel free to call Kim Hollis at 372-2080 or Mrs. Carr at 670-2008.

*** The Cookie Dough Fundraiser forms were sent home today in your child's backpack. The money and forms for this are due back by November 3.

Monday, October 19, 2009


***We still need prizes and worker for the FALL FESTIVAL. PLEASE SEND US A NOTE OR AN E-MAIL IF YOU CAN WORK A 30 MINUTE SHIFT. THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*** Bonfire and Glow in the Dark Pep Rally Thursday night.
***Friday:10:30-11:15 Lunch will be served. If you plan to order the only choices are hamburger or hotdog w/chips. Since school dismisses at 1:00, you may prefer your child have a snack at 10:30 and then eat with you after the pep rally. IF YOUR CHILD NEEDS TO ORDER I MUST KNOW BY THURSDAY MORNING!!!!!
***11:20 You will need to arrive for the wagon parade. All parents and parade viewers will line up along the path from the High School bldg. to the football field.
***11:30-12:00 Wagon Parade
***12:00 Pep Rally in the stadium- remember, your child may leave with you at this time(please let me know before leaving). That way, you do not have to go through the pick-up line.
***1:00 School-wide Dismissal
***Today starts the new 9 weeks. Papers in today's folder are for last 9 weeks. Please sign and return in the morning.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Wagon Parade Theme

We have decided on "Dressed For Broadway" as our theme for Friday's wagon parade. Please allow your child to wear something glitzy, glamorous or gentleman-like. This could include formals, glitter costumes, bow-ties, sunglasses, boas, etc. The children will make a limosine, red carpet and a banner for the wagon. See the school website for a specific schedule for Friday, October 23rd.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Fall Break, Homecoming, Fall Festival, and Troy University Homecoming

Tomorrow's game day theme is "Lasso Lee Scott" so everyone wear your western wear.

Next week is fall break - have a great week off!

Remember, the week we get back is Homecoming week - don't forget to dress up everyday!

The Fall Festival will be on Thursday, October 29 . Please let me know when you can work our grade's game. Also, we need donations of small prizes, 2 liter cokes, cakes, stuffed animals, and other baked goods. Please send the prizes and Cokes by Monday, October 19, and send the cakes and other baked goods on Thursday, October 29.

The Troy University Homecoming Parade will be on October 24, 2009. If any Termite or Pee Wee Football Players or Cheerleaders are interested in riding on the PLA float in the parade to let Susan Carr know.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Homecoming week is October 19 - 23. This year the Homecoming theme is set as “Spend a Knight on Broadway”.

  • Dress for Homecoming week is:

  • Monday we will be dressing based on the Broadway play, Miss Saigon. Please wear your camo or Asian attire.

  • Tuesday-Dress up based on the Broadway play, South Pacific. Wear your Hawaiian clothing.

  • Wednesday - dress up based on the Broadway play, Hairspray. Wear your 60's attire.

  • Thursday - Elementary will wear red, white, and blue for spirit day.

  • Friday-Elementary dress up according to your wagon.


  • Mrs. Dee wanted me to let everyone know that the Grandparent's Day performance was recorded and should be available for viewing on the PLAS website soon.
  • Gift Wrap Sales will be extended until Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
  • Monday, Oct. 5th is Professional Development Day in Montgomery. Students
    will have a holiday.
  • The SGA will be selling Homecoming t-shirts this week. Please send you money by Friday if you would like one. (Order forms were sent home in the communication folder.)
  • Your child will get a Scholastic Book Club order form in their communication folder next week. If you would like to order a book from Scholastic you can do so online at: (you can also go ahead and look at the books available online)
user name: vrobisonpikelib

password: pike

I will send a letter about this with the order form. All orders for this order form are due by October 31.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


If anyone has any old newspapers, please send them tomorrow. We made a big jack-o-lantern for the bulletin board outside and we are going to stuff it with paper! Thanks so much!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chocolate Fever and Charlotte's Web Vocab for 09/28-10/02

Chocolate Fever
Chapters 7-12
1. cautiously: having or showing care or thoughtfulness
2. ridiculous: completely unreasonable or silly
3. revolting: arousing feelings of disgust, nausea, or repulsion
4. mysterious: unknown or strange
5. hesitate: being slow to act in doing something
6. declined: refuse participation
7. unique: being the only one of a kind
8. brilliant: intelligent or talented
9. miserable: very unhappy
10. doused: immerse somebody or something in water
11. lopsided: unbalanced
12. acquaintance: somebody known
13. unfortunate: unlucky
14. circumstances: a condition that affects what happens or how somebody reacts in a particular situation
15. fracturing: a break, split, or crack in an object or material
16. dumbfounded: make somebody speechless
17. desolate: solitary, joyless, and without hope
18. subsided: drop to a lower level
19. irresistible: very desirable
20. distributing: give something out
21. rig: a big truck
22. relieved: ease somebody’s burden
23. guarantee: something that assures a specific outcome
24. foil: to prevent somebody from succeeding in something
25. canister: food container

Charlotte's Web
Chapters 7-15
1. loathed: dislike somebody or something
2. rigid: firm and stiff
3. hysterics: a state of uncontrollable laughter
4. campaign: vote-seeking activities
5. vaguely: no clear in meaning or intention
6. rambled: talk or write aimlessly
7. spinnerets: silk-producing organ of a spider
8. oblige: require somebody to do something
9. sedentary: involving sitting
10. summoning: send for somebody
11. aeronaut: airship pilot
12. mercy: kindness or forgiveness shown
13. exertion: strenuous effort
14. bestirred: start doing something
15. radiant: showing happiness
16. scum: offensive term
17. bewilderment: confuse somebody
18. idiosyncrasy: a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is peculiar to a person
19. miraculous: unexpected, extraordinary, or marvelous
20. descended: go down
21. secure: firmly fixed
22. anxiety: feeling of worry
23. rummaging: search through things
24. radial: spreading from center outward
25. alders: deciduous tree
26. midsection: middle part of something
27. monotonous: uninteresting or boring
28. thrashing: physical beating
29. ascend: move upward
30. versatile: with many uses

Monday, September 21, 2009

Progress Reports

Progress Reports were sent home today in the communication folders. There is also a note about Grandparent's Day this Friday. Please send a note ASAP to let me know if your child will be checking out or staying after Grandparent's day!!!

Charlotte's Web and Chocolate Fever VOCAB

Mrs. Barron's class and my class are doing novel studies for reading for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Mrs. Barron's class will be reading Charlotte's Web and my class will be reading Chocolate Fever. They were issued books from the library today that they may take home, however every student must have their book in class everyday. We will be using them everyday!!! There are several vocab words for these books but most of them are words they are familiar with, you are only responsible for learning the vocab for the story you are reading in your class.

Mrs. Barron's class will be reading chapters 1-6 in Charlotte's Web. On Friday they will answer questions on these chapters for a grade and have a VOCAB quiz.

Charlotte's Web VOCAB Chapters 1-6
1. runt: smallest animal
2. injustice: unfair treatment
3. manure: fertilizer made from dung
4. snout: animal’s nose
5. captivity: being held prisoner
6. litter: scattered trash
7. peered: look closely
8. trough: container for animal food or water
9. slops: unappealing food
10. vanished: disappeared suddenly
11. goslings: young goose
12. glutton: person who eats too much
13. inheritance: money or property that has been inherited
14. detested: dislike something very much
15. salutations: gesture of phrase that is used to greet
16. scheming: devising deceitful plots and plans
17. decency: behavior that conforms to what is right and respectable
18. lair: wild animal’s den
19. hominy: dried corn
20. compunctions: feelings of shame and regret of doing something wrong

Mrs. Robison's class will be reading chapters 1-6 in Chocolate Fever. On Friday they will answer questions on these chapters for a grade and have a VOCAB quiz.

Chocolate Fever VOCAB Chapters 1-6
1. conceivable: believable
2. climaxed: key moment
3. wacky: entertainingly silly
4. verge: point beyond which something happens
5. extremely: to a very high degree
6. concentrate: think intensely about something
7. startling: surprising or alarming
8. riot: violent disturbance
9. phenomenon: extraordinary thing
10. chortled: gleeful laugh
11. prodded: poke somebody or something
12. appreciate: value somebody or something highly
13. welled: bring to the surface
14. peered: look closely
15. trickled: flow slowly in thin stream
16. infirmary: place for care of sick people
17. spectacles: eyeglasses
18. peculiar: unusual
19. unidentified: unable to be named
20. steadied: become or make something steady
21. recall: remember something
22. cantaloupe: orange-fleshed melon
23. bounding: go energetically
24. typical: having all or most of the characteristics shared by others
25. amazement: strong feeling of wonder or surprise at the extraordinariness of something
26. survive: live through something
27. corridor: passage inside a building
28. darted: fast move
29. pursuing: chase something
30. predicament: difficult situation

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Field Trip Reminders:

  • Drivers need to be here at 9:15 in the morning. We will be leaving soon after that so we can get to the movies by 9:30.
  • Drivers also make sure the office has a copy of your license and insurance card.
  • Remember the concession stand will be open for movie snacks so bring money if you would like something.
  • Students: once you have found a seat in the movie theater you will not move, everyone has been to the movies before… we know how to act!
  • After the movie is over we will return to school to have lunch that Mrs. Dee has provided for us.

Other Reminders:

  • Students in grades K5-6th grade: Please bring your banking application and $2.00 fee back to homeroom teacher by Monday.
  • Sports Boosters is planning a fan bus to Tuscaloosa Academy on Friday, Oct. 2nd. It will leave at approximately 3 p.m. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please contact Greg Avant to make your reservations.
  • Grandparents Day is Sept. 25th. The first program with grades K4-4th will begin at 9:30 and the second program with grades 5 and 6 will begin at 10:30.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Movie Update!!!

I just got an e-mail from the movies and they just informed me that they forgot our movie will be in 3-D. This means it will be another $2.50 in addition to the $6 making the total $8.50 per person. Sorry about the change, I didn't realize it was in 3-D either! But that means it will be even more fun!!!! Again, I need this money and who will be driving/attending by this Friday!!! I was getting our unit stuff together for next week and the kids are going to love this book!!! Thanks, I can't wait!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


  • Monday, September 07 is a school holiday!
  • Next week is only four days but we will still have a normal week with a reading story, spelling, vocab so everyone will need to work extra hard!!
  • Send $6 for the field trip to the movies by Friday, September 11. And I need to know who can drive!
  • Our first home game is Friday, September 11 against Fort Dale - we will have our first pep rally too!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!!!

I am so excited to tell you about a reading unit we are doing on the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judy Barrett.

We will start this unit on September 14, and even though this story is not in our Reading Text, we will have spelling words and VOCAB to go along with it. I will put a copy of the spelling words and vocab on my blog. I will have a copy of this book that I will read to the class, and the class can use it to read individually or in small groups throughout the week, but you may also send a copy of the book yourself if you have it at home.

To conclude this lesson we have made plans to see the new MOVIE version at the CC5 on Friday, September 18. The cost is $6 a ticket, and we have to purchase at least 50 tickets in all to have special viewing earlier in the day. We have 32 students in all, and 2 teachers - that means we will need at least 16 parents to go. We will need the parents to help us get to the movies too. Please let me know if you are able to drive and how many students you can take. We are scheduled tentatively to arrive at the theater at 9:30 am. (Remeber if you are a driver the office needs to have a copy of your licence and insurance.) Please send your money ASAP - so we will know how many tickets we need to order. The deadline to send money is next Friday, September 11. The movie theater will have the concession stand open for the kids to have a snack during the movie, and after the movie we will eat lunch at school. Since it will be after our normal lunch time, one parent mentioned having a spaghetti lunch. If anyone is interested of organizing or helping with this, please let me know.

Seeing the movie version of this book will be a very fun learning activity for the students! They will do an activity after wesee the movie on the differences between it and the book, and I think it will be beneficial for them to see that the books and movies based on books are different!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Progress Reports

Folders were sent home today with Progress Reports.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speed Drills, States, and Journals...

I just wanted to let everyone know a little about some of the things we are doing at school!

In Math we are working on Multiplication Speed Drills. We just finished the 2-3 tables, and we are now working on the 4-5 tables. The speed drill has 25 multiplication and 25 division problems and they are allowed 5 min. We will do the speed drills about five times, but once a student has made a 100, or missed none, they no longer have to do them. After most, or all, have completed the drill with a 100 we will move on to the next set. After the 4-5 drill we will do a review drill of 0-5. I will let you know when we are going to move on to the next set so you can practice at home.

We go to the Computer Lab on Wednesdays and we are working on our "States"! The kids have so much fun doing this all on their own. Everyone needs to bring a folder to keep their states in once they have completed them. They will look up the following information on each state on :
  • Organized as a Territory/Became a State/Joined the Union
  • Capital
  • Abbreviation
  • Governor
  • Motto
  • Nickname
  • Flower/Tree
  • Bird
  • Gem
  • Song
  • And any other additional facts!

We also write in our Journals everyday for about 5 min. This will help them develop better writing skills and creative thinking. I have a 70 page spiral notebook for each student, but they will need another similar notebook when they have filled their first ones with their writings. I will let you know when they need a new one for you to send!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Announcements for 08/24 - 08/28

  • There will be a PTO Back-to-School Open House next Tuesday, September 1, from 6:30-7:30. The teachers will be there for a meet and greet. We are hoping that there will be a huge turnout for the first meeting! This is not a conference time with the teachers just a meet and greet. Thank you and see you there!
  • Coach Pickett’s Units and Elementary weekly games will be posted on his Blog if parents would like to see what curriculum is being taught in Physical Education.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Discount Cards

Everyone please try to sell at least 3 Discount Cards, this is the biggest fund raiser for the PTO!

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17 - August 21


  • All Forms were due last Friday, if you have not brought them please do so ASAP!
  • Remember to send four self-addressed and stamped envelopes.
  • Folders were sent home today. Please sign and return these tomorrow.
  • All parents, visitors, etc. must come through the main office and sign in to go to classroom or to talk with teacher and student.
  • Supervision of students begins at 7:15.
  • School traffic is one-way at 7:30 a.m. Please do not come against traffic for safety reasons.
  • Back to School Rally is Thursday night at 6:00.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week of 08/10 - 08/14

  • Remember to have all forms in by Friday!
  • There is a Termite Cheerleader meeting TOMORROW August 12 at 5:30 pm.
  • The Kick Off Bash is Saturday, August 15.
  • Please bring old magazines for an art project for Friday.
  • And remember to bring a book from home to read during the day!
  • Make sure you are checking both mine and Mrs. Barron's blog for all homework and tests!
  • For Language and Math, I will put the assignment we did in class that day on the homework section because it is homework if it is not finished in class. We have quizzes in Language mostly every week on Tuesdays and tests in Language after each Unit –these will be on Tuesdays too. Math quizzes and tests will be on Wednesdays.


Friday, August 7, 2009


Welcome to the fourth grade! We are very excited - this year is going to be great!!!

See you Monday for awesome first week of school! Also, on Friday we are going to do a fun art project; please send old magazines that you no longer need! Thanks!

(Please remember to have all forms turned in by August 14.)

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Refund Checks!

Your Mobile Field Trip refund checks will be in folders on Monday!!! Please look for these to come home!

Monday, May 11, 2009


We need $10 (that is all) for the end of the year party ASAP!! If you are not planning on attending I also need to know ASAP!!!

We also do not have enough drivers to go to the party!! Please let us know if you can drive to Camp Butter and Egg! Thanks!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another Update on Field Day!

Check the PLAS Blog at 7:00 Monday morning to see if field day will be Monday - there is a chance of rain, and it will be decided by 7:00am as to what the plans will be.

Field Day is Monday May 11th from 12:00 to 2:30. Please be sure your child brings several bottles of water, sunscreen, hat (if they want), towel to sit on, and a bag to put their stuff in. We will have a cooler for students to put their drinks in and popsicles for afterwards. Girls can were one-piece bathing suits and shorts and boys can were a t-shirt and their bathing suits.

End of the Year Party!

Camp Butter and Egg (MAY 21ST)

The fourth grade end of the year party at Camp Butter and Egg should be fantastic! The students will have the opportunity to fish (dig-your-own bait and poles provided), go canoeing, go zip-lining over the lake, play mini golf, and play volleyball.

The tentative agenda is:
10:00--12:00 Fishing, canoeing, zip-lining over the lake
12:00—Lunch (pizza and canned drinks)
12:30—1:30 More fishing, canoeing, and zip-lining for those who want to continue with those activities. Mini golf and volleyball will be played by ones who have had their fill of water fun.
1:30—2:00 Wrap up, pack up, wash up, run around one last time, and get in the cars to come back to PLAS by 2:00.

Link to the Camp Butter and Egg website:

Please send $10 to your homeroom teacher by Friday, May 8, 2009. If your child does not plan to attend the party, please let us know so we can make plans accordingly.

We need parents to SUPERVISE and TRANSPORT. This is for BOTH 4th Grades!!! THANKS

Monday, May 4, 2009

Book from home!!!

Everyone needs to bring a book from home to read at school - this is very important!!!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Field Trip Update - IMPORTANT!!!!!

After attending a meeting regarding the swine flu at City Hall today, Mrs. Dee has decided, as well as Mrs. Barron and I, that we should not go on the field trip to Mobile. Money will be refunded in the communication folders on Monday. Tomorrow will a REGULAR school day - for everyone!! I know the children will be disappointed, but we will have another fun activity to do tomorrow instead!

If anyone would like to help with a special activity, or bring something fun to do or eat tomorrow please let me know. The class and I would greatly appreciate it!

Monday, April 27, 2009


  • The t-shirts for the groundwater festival were sent home today, everyone is to were them on Wednesday. (Sorry! Adult small was the smallest size they had!!)
  • Groundwater Drivers please remember to be at school at 9:15 to pick us up, and again at 1:15 at the Trojan Center on Campus.
  • Remember our Field trip to Mobile is this Friday! Meet at school at 7:15! We will be back around 5:00. We will call to let everyone know for sure!
  • Field Day is Monday, May 4th. 3rd - 6th will be at 12:00 p.m. until 2:30 p.m. Send sunscreen, a towel, and a large drink. Dress your child in a bathing suit. Girls will also wear shorts and a t-shirt over their one piece swimsuit and boys a t-shirt.
  • Wednesday, May 13th, at 1:30 p.m. is the Elementary Honors Day for grades 1st - 6th.
  • Last day of school is Friday, May 22nd. Dismissal is at 11:40 or 12:00.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Field Trip Money and Powder Puff Money

Field Trip forms and money are due no later than Friday, April 24!!!

If your child wants to go to the powder puff game the tickets cost $1. The game will be Monday the 27th, anyone who does not go to the game will sit in the Library.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Important Info!

  • If you would like to order our Class Picture please send $8 by Friday, April 24th.
  • We will be attending the Pike County Groundwater Festival on April 29. We will be eating at the Trojan Center that day for lunch so please send money.
  • Our field trip to the Gulf Coast Exploreum will be May 1. The cost for students is $11 and $5 for lunch.
  • We only have a couple more weeks of AR left - so everyone needs to make their goals!
  • Don't forget to bring in your recycled cans! The class with the most gets a party!!!
  • Pre-Registration forms are due Friday April 17.

Monday, April 13, 2009

April 13 - April 17 Information!

  • There will be no folders sent home today because we were testing last week.
  • Tuesday, April 14 grades K4-6 will have class pictures made, starting at 8:15, so please be here on time tomorrow.
  • We will be attending the Pike County Groundwater Festival at Troy University on April 29. We will need parent drivers to help us get to Troy by 9:45. After the festival we will eat lunch at the Trojan Center food court, the students will need money. Then, we will need parent drivers to pick us up at 1:15 to return us to school!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Easter Party/Lunch!

After Mrs. Barron and I took a look at the schedule for Thursday - we realized that we will probably not get done testing until right before lunch. So in order for the kids to eat something a little better than just sweets - Mrs. Barron had a couple parents volunteer to buy some pizza for her class. I think this is a good idea too, so if we could get some volunteers to buy pizza for our class, the kids might get some lunch before we party hard! :)!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Easter Party!!

These parents have been volunteered to bring something for the Easter Party on Thursday:
  • Addyson Byran - Plates/Napkins/Forks/Spoons
  • Laura Lynn Davis - Cupcakes
  • Chloe Dorrill - Cookies
  • Cade Calhoun - Cookies
  • Christopher Farrar - Sweets
  • Bailey Garrett - Cookies
  • Clayton Hester - Capri Sun
  • Savannah Hollis - Brownies
  • Tyler Hussey - Drinks
  • Callee Jinright - Cupcakes
  • Lexie Motes - Candy
  • Matt Sarmiento - Brownies
  • Alexandria Seirafi - Chips and Dip
  • Mia Smith - Truffles
  • Hunter Steed - Chips and Dip
  • Susie Stell - Drinks
And anyone else that would like to bring something please do! THANKS!!!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Early Dismissal!!!

Due to the impending series of severe weather outbreaks and hazardous roads, Pike Liberal Artss School will dismiss today at 1:00 PM. Early bird dismissal will be at 12:40pm. Parents may pickup their children earlier if desired. Students who drive may leave earlier if parents call the office and make that request. Staff will remain until all students have been picked up. There will be no afterschool care today. Remember to monitor the announcements for further updates.

Also because of the large amount of students absent and checking out we will be sending progress reports home tomorrow! Thanks!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

  • We will give the OLSAT this Friday at 8:10. This is why we will have our reading test Thursday. Next week we will give the SAT 10 each morning. Please make sure your child is on time, well rested and has had a good breakfast. Next week there will be no tests or written homework. We will do some classwork in each subject and then have some down time to relax from our testing!!!

  • We will be out of school Friday April 10 for Good Friday. We will have our Easter Party on Thursday April 09 - please let me know if you would like to volunteer to bring any treats!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Thanks to those who have agreed to help with lunch tomorrow: Kristi O'Brien, Kevin Bryan, and Elaine Murphy - Anyone else who would like to help please let me know!

And we had some class volunteers for sweets and drinks: Danielle Brown, Mia Smith, Callee Jinright, and Susie Stell. - Anyone else who would like to bring something please do so!!

I know this is short notice but I think the class really deserves a special treat. It is such a great accomplishment that EVERYONE made their goal!!!! Thanks again!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



I definitely want the class to get a special surprise for everyone making their goal, and I would greatly appreciate any parents that could help!! (I was thinking maybe lunch Friday?) Please let me know if anyone can help pay for our treat or help pick something up for us!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Important Reminders 03/02 - 03/06

  • We are allowed to go to the baseball game Thursday during school, but the cost will be $2 per student. We can only go if the entire class brings the $2.
  • We will dismiss at 1:00 on Friday.
  • Please send something for the Art Show ASAP!. It can be something done at home or an art project done in class that has been sent home already. The PLA Art Show is scheduled for March 11. Please turn in all entries to me or Mrs. Goff by March 6.
  • The Yearbook Staff will begin selling yearbooks on Monday, March 2nd. Cost is $45.00. Deadline to order is March 13. No extras will be ordered.
  • March 6 is Jump Rope for Heart.
  • The school production of “Snow White” will be Monday, March 9th at 9:30. Tickets for this show are $3.00. We will go as a class to watch the play. There will also be a Sunday Matinee on March 8th at 2:00 p.m. and a night performance on Tuesday, March 10th at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are available in the main office.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Capital Field Trip

A note was sent home today in the folder regarding the field trip to the capital. Please read the rules with your child and look over the itinerary.
  • We are going to leave Friday morning at 7:45 am. It is very important that everyone is on time!!! We will let you know who you everyone will be riding with that morning (unless you are driving your own child then you already know :).
The following parents have volunteered to drive to the field trip on Friday; please let us know immediately if this has changed.
1. Aaron Adams
2. Debbie Arrington (and Karen Farrar)
3. Donna Brown (and Lucy Oakes)
4. Shayne Brown
5. John Dorrill
6. Trish Floyd
7. Shelly Grotenhuis
8. Carrmen Harris (and Sheila Webb)
9. Janan Hussey
10. Taylor Jinright
11. Beth Rose
12. Jan Sarmiento
13. Ben Smith
14. Deborah Stell

  • Remember to dress appropriately (nice clothes) and bring money for lunch at the Eastdale Mall food court.
  • There will be gift shops, so please discuss with your child about what they are allowed to buy and how much to spend.
  • The permission slip is due back tomorrow signed.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

School Dismissal on Friday

Parents, we will dismiss at 12:00 on Friday to allow our school to cheer on the Pike Liberal Arts Lady Patriots at their basketball game at 2:00 at Huntington. Lunch will be provided on Friday, however the lunchroom will probably ask for a pre-order on Thursday. Thank you so much for your understanding. – Mrs. Robison

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Valentine's Party

Please remember to bring your party supplies and Valentine's tomorrow!

Monday, February 9, 2009

February 09, 2009 Announcements

  • Progress Reports go home Thursday.
  • We have had enough drivers to volunteer for the field trip and they are: Janan Hussey, Deborah Stell, Taylor Jinright, Aaron Adams, Donna Brown, Carrmen Hester, Shelly Grotenhuis, Beth Rose, Debbie Arrington, Trish Floyd, John Dorrill, Shayne Brown, Jan Sarmiento
  • Our Valentine's Day party will be Friday morning and we will swap Valentine's with both class - there are 39 students total and the list of all the names is at the bottom of this post.(Please send valentines ready on Friday morning). If anyone would like to come and help with the party please let us know. These people were volunteered to bring treats: (but anyone who would like to bring anything else is welcome to!)
  • Cupcakes: Jackson and Lexie
  • Chips: Gibson, Colton, Jake, and Chloe
  • Dip: Bailey G., Gage, Christian, and Seth
  • Plates: Cade C. and Madison
  • Drinks: Susie, Tyler F., Christopher, and Clayton

Mrs. Barron's and Mrs. Robison's Class List

  1. Seth Arrington
  2. Madison Brown
  3. Christian Clark
  4. Anna Laura Cobb
  5. Chloe Dorrill
  6. Christopher Farrar
  7. Josh Graham
  8. Clayton Hester
  9. Lexie Motes
  10. Jake Norman
  11. Jacy Oakes
  12. Jana Oakes
  13. Evan Rose
  14. Matt Sarmiento
  15. Hunter Steed
  16. Josie Sullivan
  17. Dimitri Tempelis
  18. Cade Thomas
  19. Georgia Adams
  20. Austin Allen
  21. Bailey Black
  22. Gage Brady
  23. Danielle Brown
  24. Addyson Bryan
  25. Gibson Byars
  26. Cade Calhoun
  27. Tyler Floyd
  28. Bailey Garrett
  29. Savannah Hollis
  30. Tyler Hussey
  31. Callee Jinright
  32. Colton Meeks
  33. Jackson Murphy
  34. Benjamin Smith
  35. Mia Smith
  36. Susie Stell
  37. Graham Williamson
  38. Patrick O'Brien
  39. Alexandria Seirafi

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Announcements for the week of February 2 - 6!!

*** I have some exciting news I shared with the class today, Keith and I are expecting our first little girl in July! (The boys all wanted to know why it couldn't be a boy :)! )
***February 27th is our trip to the capitol for both 4th grades. We will tour the Capitol, Archives, White House Of The Confederacy and have a "mock legislative" adventure at the State House. A BIG THANK YOU TO DEBBIE ARRINGTON for arranging our legislative part and helping get us some VIP treatment on the capitol tour. Please send a NOTE or E-MAIL me if you would like to drive and let me know how many children you can carry. We will do this on a first come basis. More information will be given to you later.
***SUPPLIES: Many students need new supplies with their name or initials put on them with a Sharpie. Some students are tired of lending materials and not getting them back. Please ask your child what he or she needs. Also, please make sure your child has enough money for lunch and break this is becoming an issue once again.
***Shelly has asked for students who are working on the report part of their projects to have the work here each Friday for her to check their progress. We are still working on all phases of this project each Monday at computer lab.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Progress Reports

Progress Reports were sent home today.

9 weeks folders were also sent home today. This is the work from the last nine weeks, please keep the work at home, sign the envelope, and return tomorrow.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Bathroom Note

There is a note that is going home in your folder today about bathroom behavior, there have been several instances of people writing vulgar language in the boy's and girl's bathrooms. The 4th, 5th, and 6th grade are the only grades to use our bathrooms, so it has to be someone in one of those grades. Also, we have had several instances of bad language being used at the lunchroom table. It is a privilege to be able to sit with friends at break and lunch, and to be able to use the restroom throughout the day individually instead of always going with the whole class. Please have a discussion about this with your child, this behavior will not be tolerated anymore. Thank you.

Also, on a happier note... If any parent or grandparent would like to come and eat lunch with us any day, you are more than welcome to! And the SGA is still having its Can-A-Thon, please send canned goods.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Basketball Camp

This is a condensed version of letter sent home from Mark Knotts:

Starting this Sunday at 2:30 - 4:00 we will have a "basketball camp" for 3rd and 4th graders. We will work on fundamentals of basketball. If your child plays "Upward" basketball, please have them wear their reversible jersey. If your child does not play upward, please have them wear either a mostly white or mostly green t-shirt (green preferred). Please send a note to your homeroom teacher by Friday.

Mark Knotts

Monday, January 12, 2009

Report Cards

Report Cards were sent at the end of last week; you should have gotten them over the weekend, or by today. If you did not get a report card, check with the main office.

Monday, January 5, 2009

3rd Nine Weeks!

I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas Break... I can't believe it is already over, and we are on our 3rd Nine Weeks!

Tuesday morning we are going to get started by re-organizing our cubbies, desks, binders, folders, busy boxes and such.

  • Please send any new supplies your child might need: new crayons, markers, color pencils, regular pencils, paper, graph paper, binders, folders... We want to start 2009 off on the right foot, and organization is so important!!!

Also, we are starting out with new AR Goals and let's try very hard to make sure we have an AR book (IN YOUR ZPD) with you at school and at home every day. We have at least 20 min. of AR reading time each day, and you should be doing that at home as well. AR books should DEFINITELY come to school on Wednesday because that is our Library Day!!!