Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speed Drills, States, and Journals...

I just wanted to let everyone know a little about some of the things we are doing at school!

In Math we are working on Multiplication Speed Drills. We just finished the 2-3 tables, and we are now working on the 4-5 tables. The speed drill has 25 multiplication and 25 division problems and they are allowed 5 min. We will do the speed drills about five times, but once a student has made a 100, or missed none, they no longer have to do them. After most, or all, have completed the drill with a 100 we will move on to the next set. After the 4-5 drill we will do a review drill of 0-5. I will let you know when we are going to move on to the next set so you can practice at home.

We go to the Computer Lab on Wednesdays and we are working on our "States"! The kids have so much fun doing this all on their own. Everyone needs to bring a folder to keep their states in once they have completed them. They will look up the following information on each state on :
  • Organized as a Territory/Became a State/Joined the Union
  • Capital
  • Abbreviation
  • Governor
  • Motto
  • Nickname
  • Flower/Tree
  • Bird
  • Gem
  • Song
  • And any other additional facts!

We also write in our Journals everyday for about 5 min. This will help them develop better writing skills and creative thinking. I have a 70 page spiral notebook for each student, but they will need another similar notebook when they have filled their first ones with their writings. I will let you know when they need a new one for you to send!