I hope everyone had a WONDERFUL Christmas Break... I can't believe it is already over, and we are on our 3rd Nine Weeks!
Tuesday morning we are going to get started by re-organizing our cubbies, desks, binders, folders, busy boxes and such.
- Please send any new supplies your child might need: new crayons, markers, color pencils, regular pencils, paper, graph paper, binders, folders... We want to start 2009 off on the right foot, and organization is so important!!!
Also, we are starting out with new AR Goals and let's try very hard to make sure we have an AR book (IN YOUR ZPD) with you at school and at home every day. We have at least 20 min. of AR reading time each day, and you should be doing that at home as well. AR books should DEFINITELY come to school on Wednesday because that is our Library Day!!!