Wednesday, September 30, 2009


  • Mrs. Dee wanted me to let everyone know that the Grandparent's Day performance was recorded and should be available for viewing on the PLAS website soon.
  • Gift Wrap Sales will be extended until Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
  • Monday, Oct. 5th is Professional Development Day in Montgomery. Students
    will have a holiday.
  • The SGA will be selling Homecoming t-shirts this week. Please send you money by Friday if you would like one. (Order forms were sent home in the communication folder.)
  • Your child will get a Scholastic Book Club order form in their communication folder next week. If you would like to order a book from Scholastic you can do so online at: (you can also go ahead and look at the books available online)
user name: vrobisonpikelib

password: pike

I will send a letter about this with the order form. All orders for this order form are due by October 31.