We will start this unit on September 14, and even though this story is not in our Reading Text, we will have spelling words and VOCAB to go along with it. I will put a copy of the spelling words and vocab on my blog. I will have a copy of this book that I will read to the class, and the class can use it to read individually or in small groups throughout the week, but you may also send a copy of the book yourself if you have it at home.
To conclude this lesson we have made plans to see the new MOVIE version at the CC5 on Friday, September 18. The cost is $6 a ticket, and we have to purchase at least 50 tickets in all to have special viewing earlier in the day. We have 32 students in all, and 2 teachers - that means we will need at least 16 parents to go. We will need the parents to help us get to the movies too. Please let me know if you are able to drive and how many students you can take. We are scheduled tentatively to arrive at the theater at 9:30 am. (Remeber if you are a driver the office needs to have a copy of your licence and insurance.) Please send your money ASAP - so we will know how many tickets we need to order. The deadline to send money is next Friday, September 11. The movie theater will have the concession stand open for the kids to have a snack during the movie, and after the movie we will eat lunch at school. Since it will be after our normal lunch time, one parent mentioned having a spaghetti lunch. If anyone is interested of organizing or helping with this, please let me know.
Seeing the movie version of this book will be a very fun learning activity for the students! They will do an activity after wesee the movie on the differences between it and the book, and I think it will be beneficial for them to see that the books and movies based on books are different!