Monday, October 26, 2009

Fall Festival and Halloween Party!

We need workers for the fall festival (this is for both classes)!!!!! Please e-mail me at when you are available to work our game.

6:00 - 6:30: Dana Floyd
6:30 - 7:00: Kimberly Dendy
7:00 - 7:30: Kim Sasser
7:30 - 8:00: Dawn Knotts

We are having a Halloween Party on Friday! These children have volunteered you to bring the following:

*Bring enough for your class only.

..................................4A ...........................................4B
Cupcakes ............Cason Murphree ............... Anna May
Chips .................. Reed Jinright ..................... Caroline Kirk
Chips .................. Hailey Sasser ..................... Samantha Yarbrough
Dip ...................... Katelyn Dendy................... Spencer Floyd
Drinks................. Sam McCall ........................ Tyler Tyson
Drinks .................Riley Ramage ..................... Gracie Blair
Plates.................. Kaylin Gibson ..................... Emma Strickland
Sweets ................ Anna Morgan...................... Fleming Eden Mobley
Sweets ................. Reed Johnson .....................Bailey Rushing

**** Anyone else who would like to send a snack, treat, or goody - Please do so! Also, any parents who would to come help with the party we will start around 9:00. Thanks!