Monday, January 31, 2011

January 31, 2011

***Folders went home today (1/31). Please sign and return in the morning (2/1). Progress reports are in the folder today.

***We will be treated to pizza by Slade Rose tomorrow for lunch. All students will need is a drink. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SLADE!!!!!!!!

***It is that time again where our students participate in Jumprope For Heart with all money raised going to the American Heart Association. Flyers and collection envelopes will come home in the communication folder and are due back on February 9th. Please encourage your child to seek sponsors so that our school continues helping this good cause.

Monday, January 24, 2011

January 24, 2011

  • Folders will be sent home today. Please sign and return tomorrow (01/25)
  • I will not be here tomorrow because I will be at the District Spelling Bee. I will not be able to check my e-mail but  if you need something, please e-mail Jennifer.
Field Trip Reminders:
  • ALL drivers need to make sure the office has a copy of your license and insurance card BEFORE Friday.
  • I also need the cell phone number of all parents/grandparents going on the field trip. Please e-mail it to me ASAP! It is so important that we are able to reach each other while we are in Montgomery.
  • Drivers please be here at 9:00am Friday morning so we can load and leave by 9:15.
  • Remember that EVERYONE needs money for lunch and can bring money for the gift shop.
  • Everyone also needs to dress nicely for the field trip. We are representatives of our school and should dress and act appropriately.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011


My e-mail is fixed! Thanks!

Monday, January 17, 2011

January 17, 2011

  • Reports were due today. Please turn them in ASAP - if you have not yet received your child's report card, please contact the office at 566.2023
  • Folders will be sent home today - please sign and return them tomorrow! 

The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit
  • The 4-H Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit is tomorrow, Jan. 18.
  • Categories to enter are: Cakes, Cookies, and Breads. They may enter one, two, or all three categories but only one entry per category.
  • The recipe must be "made from scratch;" no pre-boxed or store bought mixes can be used.
  • Also, the recipe for the entry must be written on a card or sheet of paper to display with the baked food.
  • All entries should be here in the morning.  
Field Trip!
  • We have planned a field trip to the Gayle Planetarium in Montgomery for Friday, January 28.
  • The cost is $2.75 for children and $4 for adults.
  • Please send money in by this Friday, Jan. 21. Also, please e-mail or send a note to let us know  if you can drive for the field trip ASAP.
  • After the Planetarium we will eat lunch at the Chick-Fil-A in Eastchase. Kid's meals are around $4-5 so please send your child with money for lunch. Please keep in mind that additional items such as desserts are extra and if your child is planning on buying them they should have additional money.
  • There will also be a gift shop at the Planetarium.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

January 11, 2011

  • Folders went home today for both classes(1/11). Please sign and return them both in the morning(11/12).
  • Our party was great Friday. Thanks so much for the wonderful gifts!!!!!

Modified School Calendar

  • We will NOT be out for President's Day in February. This will be our make-up day for the early dismissal before Christmas break. To stay updated on events, check the school website calendar page.

  • The AISA Can-a-thon is under way! Our school is in competition against other AISA schools to collect canned foods for the less fortunate. Mrs. Sikes has challenged every student to bring 5 canned items. If we reach this goal, she will spend one entire day on top of the school building! The children are very excited about this! Also, the grade that collects the most canned goods will be rewarded with a pizza party. This is a great opportunity to help our local food bank. Your help is greatly appreciated!
K4 Registration
  • If you know anyone interested in the K4 program for the upcoming school year, applications are available in the office and online at

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Jan. 04, 2011

I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and I wanted to remind everyone that we will have our Christmas Party on Friday, January 07, at 12:00. We still have the pizza money and will order it for lunch Friday. I put a note in your child's folder(1/4) if they have not paid their $2.25 in cash for pizza. Other items are:
Cupcakes: Tristen Carter and Emmy Stevens
Cookies: Seth Lewis and Ashelyn Atwell
Other Sweets: Brock Davis
Chips: Nathan Holloway and Hudson Rose
Dip: Kaylee Ferraro and Mallory Clifton
Drinks: Cody Hollis and Brayden Brown (You may send clear, caffeine free sodas in cans - like Sprite, 7-UP, Sierra Mist, etc.)

*Any other treats or snacks are welcome, Thanks!

*Also, boys please bring a gift for a boy and girls bring a gift for a girl for a gift swap during our Christmas Party! (Please send gifts not exceeding $10.)
** Other Reminders:
Folders went home today - please returned them signed by tomorrow.

We will test on the Christmas Word List, Charlotte's Web Vocabulary & Chapters 16-22 Friday. We were working on all of this before Christmas Break.