Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Homecoming week is October 19 - 23. This year the Homecoming theme is set as “Spend a Knight on Broadway”.

  • Dress for Homecoming week is:

  • Monday we will be dressing based on the Broadway play, Miss Saigon. Please wear your camo or Asian attire.

  • Tuesday-Dress up based on the Broadway play, South Pacific. Wear your Hawaiian clothing.

  • Wednesday - dress up based on the Broadway play, Hairspray. Wear your 60's attire.

  • Thursday - Elementary will wear red, white, and blue for spirit day.

  • Friday-Elementary dress up according to your wagon.


  • Mrs. Dee wanted me to let everyone know that the Grandparent's Day performance was recorded and should be available for viewing on the PLAS website soon.
  • Gift Wrap Sales will be extended until Wednesday, Oct. 7th.
  • Monday, Oct. 5th is Professional Development Day in Montgomery. Students
    will have a holiday.
  • The SGA will be selling Homecoming t-shirts this week. Please send you money by Friday if you would like one. (Order forms were sent home in the communication folder.)
  • Your child will get a Scholastic Book Club order form in their communication folder next week. If you would like to order a book from Scholastic you can do so online at: (you can also go ahead and look at the books available online)
user name: vrobisonpikelib

password: pike

I will send a letter about this with the order form. All orders for this order form are due by October 31.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


If anyone has any old newspapers, please send them tomorrow. We made a big jack-o-lantern for the bulletin board outside and we are going to stuff it with paper! Thanks so much!

Monday, September 28, 2009

Chocolate Fever and Charlotte's Web Vocab for 09/28-10/02

Chocolate Fever
Chapters 7-12
1. cautiously: having or showing care or thoughtfulness
2. ridiculous: completely unreasonable or silly
3. revolting: arousing feelings of disgust, nausea, or repulsion
4. mysterious: unknown or strange
5. hesitate: being slow to act in doing something
6. declined: refuse participation
7. unique: being the only one of a kind
8. brilliant: intelligent or talented
9. miserable: very unhappy
10. doused: immerse somebody or something in water
11. lopsided: unbalanced
12. acquaintance: somebody known
13. unfortunate: unlucky
14. circumstances: a condition that affects what happens or how somebody reacts in a particular situation
15. fracturing: a break, split, or crack in an object or material
16. dumbfounded: make somebody speechless
17. desolate: solitary, joyless, and without hope
18. subsided: drop to a lower level
19. irresistible: very desirable
20. distributing: give something out
21. rig: a big truck
22. relieved: ease somebody’s burden
23. guarantee: something that assures a specific outcome
24. foil: to prevent somebody from succeeding in something
25. canister: food container

Charlotte's Web
Chapters 7-15
1. loathed: dislike somebody or something
2. rigid: firm and stiff
3. hysterics: a state of uncontrollable laughter
4. campaign: vote-seeking activities
5. vaguely: no clear in meaning or intention
6. rambled: talk or write aimlessly
7. spinnerets: silk-producing organ of a spider
8. oblige: require somebody to do something
9. sedentary: involving sitting
10. summoning: send for somebody
11. aeronaut: airship pilot
12. mercy: kindness or forgiveness shown
13. exertion: strenuous effort
14. bestirred: start doing something
15. radiant: showing happiness
16. scum: offensive term
17. bewilderment: confuse somebody
18. idiosyncrasy: a way of behaving, thinking, or feeling that is peculiar to a person
19. miraculous: unexpected, extraordinary, or marvelous
20. descended: go down
21. secure: firmly fixed
22. anxiety: feeling of worry
23. rummaging: search through things
24. radial: spreading from center outward
25. alders: deciduous tree
26. midsection: middle part of something
27. monotonous: uninteresting or boring
28. thrashing: physical beating
29. ascend: move upward
30. versatile: with many uses

Monday, September 21, 2009

Progress Reports

Progress Reports were sent home today in the communication folders. There is also a note about Grandparent's Day this Friday. Please send a note ASAP to let me know if your child will be checking out or staying after Grandparent's day!!!

Charlotte's Web and Chocolate Fever VOCAB

Mrs. Barron's class and my class are doing novel studies for reading for the next 2 or 3 weeks. Mrs. Barron's class will be reading Charlotte's Web and my class will be reading Chocolate Fever. They were issued books from the library today that they may take home, however every student must have their book in class everyday. We will be using them everyday!!! There are several vocab words for these books but most of them are words they are familiar with, you are only responsible for learning the vocab for the story you are reading in your class.

Mrs. Barron's class will be reading chapters 1-6 in Charlotte's Web. On Friday they will answer questions on these chapters for a grade and have a VOCAB quiz.

Charlotte's Web VOCAB Chapters 1-6
1. runt: smallest animal
2. injustice: unfair treatment
3. manure: fertilizer made from dung
4. snout: animal’s nose
5. captivity: being held prisoner
6. litter: scattered trash
7. peered: look closely
8. trough: container for animal food or water
9. slops: unappealing food
10. vanished: disappeared suddenly
11. goslings: young goose
12. glutton: person who eats too much
13. inheritance: money or property that has been inherited
14. detested: dislike something very much
15. salutations: gesture of phrase that is used to greet
16. scheming: devising deceitful plots and plans
17. decency: behavior that conforms to what is right and respectable
18. lair: wild animal’s den
19. hominy: dried corn
20. compunctions: feelings of shame and regret of doing something wrong

Mrs. Robison's class will be reading chapters 1-6 in Chocolate Fever. On Friday they will answer questions on these chapters for a grade and have a VOCAB quiz.

Chocolate Fever VOCAB Chapters 1-6
1. conceivable: believable
2. climaxed: key moment
3. wacky: entertainingly silly
4. verge: point beyond which something happens
5. extremely: to a very high degree
6. concentrate: think intensely about something
7. startling: surprising or alarming
8. riot: violent disturbance
9. phenomenon: extraordinary thing
10. chortled: gleeful laugh
11. prodded: poke somebody or something
12. appreciate: value somebody or something highly
13. welled: bring to the surface
14. peered: look closely
15. trickled: flow slowly in thin stream
16. infirmary: place for care of sick people
17. spectacles: eyeglasses
18. peculiar: unusual
19. unidentified: unable to be named
20. steadied: become or make something steady
21. recall: remember something
22. cantaloupe: orange-fleshed melon
23. bounding: go energetically
24. typical: having all or most of the characteristics shared by others
25. amazement: strong feeling of wonder or surprise at the extraordinariness of something
26. survive: live through something
27. corridor: passage inside a building
28. darted: fast move
29. pursuing: chase something
30. predicament: difficult situation

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Field Trip Reminders:

  • Drivers need to be here at 9:15 in the morning. We will be leaving soon after that so we can get to the movies by 9:30.
  • Drivers also make sure the office has a copy of your license and insurance card.
  • Remember the concession stand will be open for movie snacks so bring money if you would like something.
  • Students: once you have found a seat in the movie theater you will not move, everyone has been to the movies before… we know how to act!
  • After the movie is over we will return to school to have lunch that Mrs. Dee has provided for us.

Other Reminders:

  • Students in grades K5-6th grade: Please bring your banking application and $2.00 fee back to homeroom teacher by Monday.
  • Sports Boosters is planning a fan bus to Tuscaloosa Academy on Friday, Oct. 2nd. It will leave at approximately 3 p.m. The cost is $40.00 per person. Please contact Greg Avant to make your reservations.
  • Grandparents Day is Sept. 25th. The first program with grades K4-4th will begin at 9:30 and the second program with grades 5 and 6 will begin at 10:30.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Movie Update!!!

I just got an e-mail from the movies and they just informed me that they forgot our movie will be in 3-D. This means it will be another $2.50 in addition to the $6 making the total $8.50 per person. Sorry about the change, I didn't realize it was in 3-D either! But that means it will be even more fun!!!! Again, I need this money and who will be driving/attending by this Friday!!! I was getting our unit stuff together for next week and the kids are going to love this book!!! Thanks, I can't wait!!!!

Friday, September 4, 2009


  • Monday, September 07 is a school holiday!
  • Next week is only four days but we will still have a normal week with a reading story, spelling, vocab so everyone will need to work extra hard!!
  • Send $6 for the field trip to the movies by Friday, September 11. And I need to know who can drive!
  • Our first home game is Friday, September 11 against Fort Dale - we will have our first pep rally too!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs!!!

I am so excited to tell you about a reading unit we are doing on the book Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs by Judy Barrett.

We will start this unit on September 14, and even though this story is not in our Reading Text, we will have spelling words and VOCAB to go along with it. I will put a copy of the spelling words and vocab on my blog. I will have a copy of this book that I will read to the class, and the class can use it to read individually or in small groups throughout the week, but you may also send a copy of the book yourself if you have it at home.

To conclude this lesson we have made plans to see the new MOVIE version at the CC5 on Friday, September 18. The cost is $6 a ticket, and we have to purchase at least 50 tickets in all to have special viewing earlier in the day. We have 32 students in all, and 2 teachers - that means we will need at least 16 parents to go. We will need the parents to help us get to the movies too. Please let me know if you are able to drive and how many students you can take. We are scheduled tentatively to arrive at the theater at 9:30 am. (Remeber if you are a driver the office needs to have a copy of your licence and insurance.) Please send your money ASAP - so we will know how many tickets we need to order. The deadline to send money is next Friday, September 11. The movie theater will have the concession stand open for the kids to have a snack during the movie, and after the movie we will eat lunch at school. Since it will be after our normal lunch time, one parent mentioned having a spaghetti lunch. If anyone is interested of organizing or helping with this, please let me know.

Seeing the movie version of this book will be a very fun learning activity for the students! They will do an activity after wesee the movie on the differences between it and the book, and I think it will be beneficial for them to see that the books and movies based on books are different!