Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Field Trip and Grandparent's Day Reminders and other important dates

Please fill out the 4-H enrollment form that was sent home yesterday.
Please look at the FIELD TRIP tab. We do have enough drivers, so thank you all so much and please send in your money by this Friday, September 28.

Grandparent's Day will be Friday, September 28, at 10:00am. Students are allowed to check out after the program Friday. :)

PTO has asked for the discount card fundraiser sheet (discount card) sales to be turned in by Friday.
The PTO will be giving an ice cream party for the class selling the most discount cards. Grade levels are: K4-3; 4-6; and 7-12.

Monday-Friday, September 24-28- Book Fair
Monday, October 1- No School (Teacher In-Service)
Monday-Wednesday, October 8-10- Fall Break
Friday, October 26- Homecoming
Tuesday, October 30- Fall Festival

The week of October 2 - 5, the SGA will be sponsoring an Awareness Week. The following will be the themes for each day:

Tuesday - Wear Blue for No Bullying
Wednesday - Wear Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness
Thursday - Wear Yellow to Support Our Troops
Friday - Wear Red for being Drug Free
Thanks for your cooperation and for supporting the SGA!!