Friday, December 16, 2011

Thank you!

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful Christmas gifts! I loved them all! I can't believe this year is half way over. I have had the best time this year getting to know all my "kids" and I know we will have a great 2nd semester. See you on January 03, 2012!

I love you all! - Mrs. Robison

Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Reminders

  • Please remember that we are doing our Charlotte's Web unit this week. The test will be on Thursday instead of Friday.
  • Folders were sent home today, please sign and return tomorrow.
  • Tomorrow is our Pizza Lunch.
  • Wednesday is Polar Express day. Wear your Pajamas. **Also if you have the Polar Express Movie at home please send it tomorrow for our class to watch on Wednesday.
  • Thursday is our Christmas Party - please bring a gift to swap. Remember we are swapping school supplies and please do not go over $10 and wrap them. Also please remember to bring the goodies for our party.
  • Friday, December 16, is the last day before Christmas and we will dismiss at 11:50.For the students who come on Friday we will be watching movies and cleaning the classroom to start a new semester. Students will need to bring a snack and drink that day because the lunchroom will be closed

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Week Schedule

Folders were sent home today, December 05. Please sign and return tomorrow, December 06.

Please send the $4 for pizza and the $2 for Polar Express as soon as possible!

The schedule for next week is:

Monday, December 12, we will go watch the 2nd and 3rd grade Christmas play dress rehearsal.

Tuesday, December 13, we will have our PIZZA Lunch! We are going to have our lunch on
Tuesday instead of Thursday since it is a whole day. Please send $4 for lunch.

Wednesday, December 14, is Polar Express Day! Wear your pajamas and send $2 for milk and cookies.

Thursday, December 15, is our Christmas Party and we will dismiss at 11:50. bring a gift of school supplies wrapped to play "Dirty Santa." Please do not go over $10 on gifts. Also, the following people have volunteered to bring:.
Drinks - Mary, Corey, and Matalie
Cooler - Payne
Cups/Plates - Miranda
Cupcakes - Isabel
Cookies - Davis, Megan S.
Ruffles Chips/Dip - Sarah Todd
Scoops - Jack, Shelby
Rotel - Porter
Dip - Caden
***Please feel free to send anything else you would like!

Friday, December 16, is the last day before Christmas and we will dismiss at 11:50.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Letter from Santa

We got a letter from Santa today! Thanks to the elf that told Santa everyone has been so good!