Monday, November 29, 2010

November 29, 2010

  • I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving break! Just three more weeks until Christmas break!
  • Both folders went home today, 11/29. Please sign and return in the morning, 11/30. Some students did not return their folders from last week so they are bringing home stapled papers to be signed and put in their folders with last week's work .
  • A note about items for a basket for the Holiday Market is in your child's folder today. The Holiday Market is on Friday from 11am - 5pm. Parents may come at any time and students may also shop. If your child has money to shop they may go in the afternoon.
  • We are doing our novel studies for this 9 weeks. Mrs. Robison's class is doing CHARLOTTE'S WEB and Mrs. Barron's class is reading A BEAR CALLED PADDINGTON. Please see the reading schedule in the Homework Section.
  • SGA is collecting pop tops for Children’s Hospital. Please take them to Mrs. Dillard's room.
  • December 2 is the Honor Society’s last day to collect new and slightly used baseball hats for Veterans. This will be a great way for everyone to say thank you to our Veterans.
Upcoming Schedule:
  • December 3rd - Holiday Market Place
  • December 14th - Polar Express
  • December 20th - January 4th - Christmas Break