Monday, August 31, 2009

Progress Reports

Folders were sent home today with Progress Reports.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Speed Drills, States, and Journals...

I just wanted to let everyone know a little about some of the things we are doing at school!

In Math we are working on Multiplication Speed Drills. We just finished the 2-3 tables, and we are now working on the 4-5 tables. The speed drill has 25 multiplication and 25 division problems and they are allowed 5 min. We will do the speed drills about five times, but once a student has made a 100, or missed none, they no longer have to do them. After most, or all, have completed the drill with a 100 we will move on to the next set. After the 4-5 drill we will do a review drill of 0-5. I will let you know when we are going to move on to the next set so you can practice at home.

We go to the Computer Lab on Wednesdays and we are working on our "States"! The kids have so much fun doing this all on their own. Everyone needs to bring a folder to keep their states in once they have completed them. They will look up the following information on each state on :
  • Organized as a Territory/Became a State/Joined the Union
  • Capital
  • Abbreviation
  • Governor
  • Motto
  • Nickname
  • Flower/Tree
  • Bird
  • Gem
  • Song
  • And any other additional facts!

We also write in our Journals everyday for about 5 min. This will help them develop better writing skills and creative thinking. I have a 70 page spiral notebook for each student, but they will need another similar notebook when they have filled their first ones with their writings. I will let you know when they need a new one for you to send!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Announcements for 08/24 - 08/28

  • There will be a PTO Back-to-School Open House next Tuesday, September 1, from 6:30-7:30. The teachers will be there for a meet and greet. We are hoping that there will be a huge turnout for the first meeting! This is not a conference time with the teachers just a meet and greet. Thank you and see you there!
  • Coach Pickett’s Units and Elementary weekly games will be posted on his Blog if parents would like to see what curriculum is being taught in Physical Education.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Discount Cards

Everyone please try to sell at least 3 Discount Cards, this is the biggest fund raiser for the PTO!

Monday, August 17, 2009

August 17 - August 21


  • All Forms were due last Friday, if you have not brought them please do so ASAP!
  • Remember to send four self-addressed and stamped envelopes.
  • Folders were sent home today. Please sign and return these tomorrow.
  • All parents, visitors, etc. must come through the main office and sign in to go to classroom or to talk with teacher and student.
  • Supervision of students begins at 7:15.
  • School traffic is one-way at 7:30 a.m. Please do not come against traffic for safety reasons.
  • Back to School Rally is Thursday night at 6:00.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Week of 08/10 - 08/14

  • Remember to have all forms in by Friday!
  • There is a Termite Cheerleader meeting TOMORROW August 12 at 5:30 pm.
  • The Kick Off Bash is Saturday, August 15.
  • Please bring old magazines for an art project for Friday.
  • And remember to bring a book from home to read during the day!
  • Make sure you are checking both mine and Mrs. Barron's blog for all homework and tests!
  • For Language and Math, I will put the assignment we did in class that day on the homework section because it is homework if it is not finished in class. We have quizzes in Language mostly every week on Tuesdays and tests in Language after each Unit –these will be on Tuesdays too. Math quizzes and tests will be on Wednesdays.


Friday, August 7, 2009


Welcome to the fourth grade! We are very excited - this year is going to be great!!!

See you Monday for awesome first week of school! Also, on Friday we are going to do a fun art project; please send old magazines that you no longer need! Thanks!

(Please remember to have all forms turned in by August 14.)