Monday, November 17, 2008

Reminders for this week!

  • Please remember that if you drop your child off before 7:40 am they are to go to the cafetorium, this is a school rule and I often have things to do in the morning and am not in my room until then. There is a teacher in the cafetorium every morning so they are supervised.
  • Communication Folders go home today, as they do every Monday. They are due back tomorrow signed.
  • Thank you so very much to all the parents that have sent art supplies or money, it is so wonderful to have helpful parents!!
  • Thanksgiving Holidays are November 26-28.
  • The Government Club is selling poinsettias.
  • The SGA Can-a-thon starts this week and will go through January.
  • The Pike Patriots are going to play this Friday at 4:00 for the State Championship!!! We will let out of school at 1:00 so everyone can go to the game!! Tickets for the game will go on sale tomorrow.
  • Lunch will be served Friday - if you plan on ordering a Brown bag lunch you need to bring the money on Thursday the choices are: Chicken Sandwiches, Hamburger, Cheeseburgers or Hot Dogs. Each meal will come with chips and a drink. Cost is $3.75.