Friday, April 27, 2012

Groundwater Festival

We will attend the Pike County Groundwater Festival at Troy University next Wednesday, May 02.

We need a few parents to help us that day. We need to get to Troy University around 9:45 that morning. The festival will be over around 12:30 and then we will eat lunch in the Trojan Center. Everyone needs to have lunch money. Please let me know soon if you can go.

The person in charge of the festival has told us that a Talent Release must be signed by each person in attendance (students will need their guardian’s signature) in order for the university to take pictures of them throughout the festival. I am sending this home in the folders on Monday but I will need it by Wednesday so everyone please fill it out and send it back with folders on Tuesday! 

Monday, April 16, 2012

Recycle Bags and Field Trip Note

Since testing was last week, we will not send folders home today but was are sending home the recycling bags and a note about the Field trip.

Please remember our field trip to the Cattlemen's Mooseum, the Archives building, and the First White House of the Confederacy is this Friday, April 20. The cost for lunch is $4 for students and we are going to wear Pike T-Shirts.

Also, the Powder Puff game is this Thursday, April 19 at 1:00 and the cost is $2.

Please send money for both events as soon as possible.

Everyone needs to recycle aluminum cans and bring them in by April 25 - this is a contest for the city's Clean and Green week.

I have also updated our "Important Dates" page so please make sure you check it out!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Early Dismissal, Recycling, and Powder Puff

School will dismiss Friday at 11:50.
Go Green Week is April 23-27. Please send cans for our recycling competition.

The Powder Puff game is April 19th. Cost is $2.00.

Field Trip Information

Please check the Field trip page for updated information!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Testing Info

We will SAT Test this week.

Please make sure your child has plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast. Everyone needs to be on time, and please make sure everyone has a good supply of #2 pencils. :) - These can be mechanical pencils.
Also, please let me know if you can volunteer to bring a snack or drink for the children during our break each day. Thanks! It is so important that we keep them energized!

Monday - Amy Floyd
Tuesday - Heather Gill
Wednesday - Nelly Robledo
Thursday -
Friday - Shannon Bryan

Monday, April 2, 2012

Easter Party and Snacks for Testing Week

Folders were sent home today April 02. Please sign & return in the morning April 03.

Our Easter Party will be Thursday.
Cupcakes – Matalie - Holt

Cookies – Shelby – Sarah Elizabeth
Chips - Jackson and Sarah Todd – Amanda and Abby
Dip – Miranda - Izzy
Drinks - Mary and Isabel – Rustyn and Cody
Candy – Porter
Cups - Sophie
Anything else yall want to bring will be great! Thanks!

We will SAT Test next week.
Please make sure your child has plenty of rest and eats a good breakfast. Everyone needs to be on time, and please make sure everyone has a good supply of #2 pencils. :) - These can be mechanical pencils.

Also, please let me know if you can volunteer to bring a snack or drink for the children during our break each day. Thanks! It is so important that we keep them energized!

Monday - Amy Floyd
Tuesday - Heather Gill
Wednesday - Nelly Robledo
Thursday -
Friday -

Other Announcements:
  • The Blood Drive is next Monday from 8:00 until.
  • Friday is a school holiday.
  • The Father-Daughter Dance money is due on Thursday, April 5th.
  • Students: The office has Luminary Bags for you to decorate in memory of or honor of a loved one.