Monday, August 30, 2010

August 30, 2010

Friday we play Macon-East at home. We want to say knightly night knights, so everyone please wear appropriate pajamas to school.

The Miss Peanut Butter Pageant will be September 25th at Pike County Elementary School. Applications are in the school office.

There will be Termite, Pee Wee, and JV games tomorrow beginning at 5:00.
 School Day pictures will be made Tuesday, Sept. 7th for K4-4th grade.
In the communication folder this week:
Progress Reports will go home today.

Orders for Homecoming t-shirts will be taken until 12:00 this Friday. No extras will be ordered after12:00 Friday.

PLAS introduces its first annual Blue Jean Ball Fundraiser on September 11, 2010 at the Troy University Stadium Club from 7:30pm to midnight. Entertainment will be provided by Pike Alumnae, Anna Garrott. Tickets are available for $25.00 each in the school office or from Kim Hollis (334.372.2080) or Taylor Jinright (334.268.1051). Tickets at the door will be $30.00. T-Shirts may be pre-ordered from Kim or Taylor for $15.00 each by August 30th.

Look for the Super Value Discount Card order form in your child's communication folder this week. The $10.00 card has lots of valuable deals from local merchants. Please let the office know how many cards you will need. All proceeds go to the PTO which in-turn goes into the classrooms with your children.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

August 25, 2010 - Study Guide and Vocab, Speed Drills, and States Notebook

Wow! The third week of school!! Everyone is doing a very good job getting adjusted to TWO teachers, switching class, bringing folders back, and so on. I just have a few reminders and announcements to keep us on the right track!

We do Reading VOCAB every Monday. I will try to post the VOCAB on my blog because some words are not listed in the back of the book. Everyone will need to make sure they have their VOCAB defined for Tuesday because we start writing VOCAB sentences and using them when we read the story. Also, they will have a VOCAB Quiz on Fridays after their Reading Test. This will include matching definitions to the words and starting this week, filling in a sentence with a VOCAB word. The matching part is exactly like the definitions they were given or looked up so it is very important that they are studied every week!!! To study for their Reading Test, I give them a Study Guide every Thursday. They should be looked over on Thursday night to prepare for the test on Friday. Both the VOCAB and Study Guide will be turned in Friday morning.

We are continuing with our Multiplication/Division Speed Drills in math. This week they will be drilled on the 0-5 tables. Please make sure you are studying your multiplication tables!!

Lastly, this week we are going to start working on our "States Notebook"! Mrs. Robison’s class will go to the Computer Lab on Wednesdays and Mrs. Barron’s class on Thursdays. This is a great project and the students will have so much fun doing this all on their own. Everyone needs to bring a small binder to keep their states in and the handout that they have been given should be placed in the front so they know what states they have done or need to complete. At the end of every nine weeks we will have states notebook check. You can print out a template at home for them to use, or they can do this on their own paper but it should be written neatly and only one state per page. This is a school project and should be completed during our computer lab time. They will look up the following information on each state on (I also have a link for this website under the "links" section)

1. State Name

2. Organized as a Territory/Became a State/Joined the Union

3. Capital

4. Abbreviation

5. Governor

6. Motto

7. Nickname

8. Flower/Tree

9. Bird

10. Gem

11. Song

12. And any other additional facts they want to include.

The handout they bring home today will have the states for this nine weeks listed.

*** If your student participates in Kirby Banking the Kirby Banking Reps will be here on Sept. 8th to beginning the banking for students.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Game Tattoos

Tattoos will be sold tomorrow morning. They will not pre-sale on Thursday, so if you would like to buy one bring money on Friday. Thanks!

Some students are still working on using their class time wisely to complete written assignments. If your child is bringing home a great deal of written work to be finished, please talk with them about using class time to complete work. Thanks!!

Monday, August 16, 2010

August 16, 2010

Folders were sent home today for my class and Mrs. Barron's class, both need to be signed and returned tomorrow!

There is a t-shirt order form in the folders that needs to be returned by Friday. Also, a note is in your student's folder if you are missing any forms or envelopes.

Monday, August 9, 2010

August 09 - August 13

Parents - our school e-mail is down and we can not send any out. I can not reply to any e-mails you have sent until this is fixed. Also, don't forget all forms need to be brought back by Friday.

Everyone needs to bring a book from home  to read when their work is finished until we can go to the library.

In Math we are working on Multiplication Speed Drills. We will begin with the 2-3 tables. The speed drill has 25 multiplication and 25 division problems and they are allowed 5 min. We will do the speed drills about five times, but once a student has made a 100, or missed none, they no longer have to do them. After most, or all, have completed the drill with a 100 we will move on to the next set. I will let you know when we are going to move on to the next set so you can practice at home.

Friday, August 6, 2010

First Day of School Blog!

Welcome to the fourth grade! We are very excited - this year is going to be great!!! Please comment on this blog so I know that you have seen it.

See you Monday for awesome first week of school! Also, on Friday we are going to do a fun art project; please send old magazines that you no longer need! Thanks!

(Please remember to have all forms turned in by August 14.)