Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Reminders for 12/16 - 12/19

Progress Reports are going home today and are in the communication folder.

The office wants to remind everyone that we have several lost items in lost and found in the main office. Please come by the office before February 26th and claim your child’s/children’s lost items. After this date, items will be donated to Goodwill.

The PE coaches wanted to tell everyone that Jump Rope for Heart will be Thursday, and we will collect money that day also.

We have started a new novel study. Mrs. Robison's class is reading The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane and Mrs. Barron's class is reading The BFG. Vocab is up!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Snow Day

No school tomorrow!
See you back on Tuesday, Feb. 16th.
Enjoy your long weekend and stay warm!!!!! :-)
Thank you for all the generous Valentines!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!!!!!!!!
The Spelling & Reading Tests will be Tuesday!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Valentine's Party Changed!!!

We have decided that we need to change the party to tomorrow after PE instead of Friday because we are expecting bad weather Friday and we may be out of school and there are basketball games that some people are going to. Please remember if you were volunteered to bring something to send it tomorrow and bring the Valentine's for the Fourth grade!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Valentine's Day Party!!

Our Valentine's Day Party will be on Friday! The following people have volunteered to bring:
Drinks - Cason, Reed Johnson, Tyler, and Hollis
Sweets - Bailey Bennett, Daisy, Emma, and Hailey Sasser
Chips - Mya, Riley, Taylor, and Samantha
Dip - Katelyn, Raylen, Spencer, and Anna
Plates/Napkins - Clay, Anna Morgan, Eden, and Weston

Also we will exchange Valentine's Cards with both classes. Here is a list of names:
  1. Parish Adams
  2. Raylen Barnes
  3. Bailey Bennett
  4. Daisy Bruce
  5. Katelyn Dendy
  6. Allison Dennis
  7. Anna Morgan Fleming
  8. Jensen Garrett
  9. Kaylin Gibson
  10. Reed Jinright
  11. Reed Johnson
  12. Clay LaBrant
  13. Sam McCall
  14. Cason Murphree
  15. Riley Ramage
  16. Hailey Sasser
  17. Mya Terry
  18. Gracie Blair
  19. Weston Brown
  20. Hollis Floyd
  21. Spencer Floyd
  22. Haleigh Giglio
  23. Wood Jinright
  24. Caroline Kirk
  25. Ridge Knotts
  26. Anna May
  27. Eden Mobley
  28. Bailey Rushing
  29. Taylor Spivey
  30. Emma Strickland
  31. Tyler Tyson
  32. Samantha Yarbrough

Monday, February 1, 2010


Remember that tomorrow we are going to go to Troy University to see "A Midsummer Night's Dream" performed by the Montgomery Ballet. Everyone should be on the BEST manners.