Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Jr. Baked Foods Exhibit TOMORROW!!! The rules are under the 4-H section on my Blog!!!!!


Please remember about our field trip on Friday. There is a gift shop at the Planetarium, so you may want to bring money for that. You will need money for lunch at the Eastdale Mall.

Also, we have been invited to attend a free performance of A Midsummer Night’s Dream from the Montgomery Ballet, funded by Troy University and on the stage at Smith Auditorium. The date of this performance is February 2nd. We will only need a few people to help us get there and back.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Break and Lunch Times tomorrow

Tomorrow we are going to have our Pizza party after PE at 12:00 so we are going to have break in the morning at 8:45. They will be able to go to the lunchroom to buy a biscuit or something else for break.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Report Cards, Pizza Party, and Field Trip!!

  • I still need report cards from: Parish and Daisy, they were due last Friday.
  • Tomorrow is the last day to bring the $2 pizza money for the party on Friday - I still need it from: Anna Morgan, Jensen, Clay, Cason, Riley, and Mya
  • The Book Fair is in the library this week, we all went to preview the book fair today and the students will be able to go the rest of the week if they bring money to buy books.
  • We are planning a Field Trip to the Planetarium in Montgomery for next Friday, January 29. The cost is $2.50 for the students and $4 for adults. If you would like to drive or go with us please let us know. We will leave the school around 9:00 am and the show at the Planetarium will start at 10:30. After the show, we will go to Eastdale Mall for lunch. They are going to start a unit on the Earth and will be learning about the solar system soon, they will really enjoy this!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Pizza Party!!!

We didn't get much response for tomorrow so our party will be next Friday. Please send $2 to cover the cost of the pizza and we have had one volunteer to bring something sweet and one volunteer to bring drinks. So we need a couple more volunteers for those things. THANKS!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Report Cards and Pizza Party

Report Cards are due Friday!!!

This week has been crazy and we have stayed super busy! However, the kids earned a pizza party for all making their AR goals and I would like for them to be able to have it this Friday. If everyone sends a few dollars I order the pizza or if I have some volunteers to get this together for us that would be GREAT! Also, if anyone would like to bring us a sweet treat to eat with the pizza that would be super too! PLEASE let us know ASAP if anyone can help, I think it is very important for them to be rewarded for the hard work they put into reading! Thanks!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Pop Tops

Our class is going to start collecting pop tops for EB Johnson's family so they can get a night free in the Ronald McDonald House. Kim Sasser offered to bring milk jugs in to place in the room so the class can see how many they have. Please help with this great project!

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Weather Information

Parents, check the school web site under the announcements , WSFA, or WTBF (94.7) for information about school hours the last part of this week if the school hours change due to the weather.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Deer Hunt $5

The deer hunt is this weekend and they are asking each family to send $5.00 this week to cover the expense of the food. A flyer will be sent home today about this. Thanks!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Welcome Back!

It is a new year and we are going to hit the books hard this semester! We have already jumped right back into things today and they all worked very hard! Folders were sent home with papers from the week before Christmas; please remember those grades are for the last nine weeks. Since EVERYONE in the fourth grade made their goal last nine weeks we are going to have a PIZZA party!!! I'll let you know the details asap!