Tuesday, March 31, 2009

  • We will give the OLSAT this Friday at 8:10. This is why we will have our reading test Thursday. Next week we will give the SAT 10 each morning. Please make sure your child is on time, well rested and has had a good breakfast. Next week there will be no tests or written homework. We will do some classwork in each subject and then have some down time to relax from our testing!!!

  • We will be out of school Friday April 10 for Good Friday. We will have our Easter Party on Thursday April 09 - please let me know if you would like to volunteer to bring any treats!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Thanks to those who have agreed to help with lunch tomorrow: Kristi O'Brien, Kevin Bryan, and Elaine Murphy - Anyone else who would like to help please let me know!

And we had some class volunteers for sweets and drinks: Danielle Brown, Mia Smith, Callee Jinright, and Susie Stell. - Anyone else who would like to bring something please do so!!

I know this is short notice but I think the class really deserves a special treat. It is such a great accomplishment that EVERYONE made their goal!!!! Thanks again!!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009



I definitely want the class to get a special surprise for everyone making their goal, and I would greatly appreciate any parents that could help!! (I was thinking maybe lunch Friday?) Please let me know if anyone can help pay for our treat or help pick something up for us!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Important Reminders 03/02 - 03/06

  • We are allowed to go to the baseball game Thursday during school, but the cost will be $2 per student. We can only go if the entire class brings the $2.
  • We will dismiss at 1:00 on Friday.
  • Please send something for the Art Show ASAP!. It can be something done at home or an art project done in class that has been sent home already. The PLA Art Show is scheduled for March 11. Please turn in all entries to me or Mrs. Goff by March 6.
  • The Yearbook Staff will begin selling yearbooks on Monday, March 2nd. Cost is $45.00. Deadline to order is March 13. No extras will be ordered.
  • March 6 is Jump Rope for Heart.
  • The school production of “Snow White” will be Monday, March 9th at 9:30. Tickets for this show are $3.00. We will go as a class to watch the play. There will also be a Sunday Matinee on March 8th at 2:00 p.m. and a night performance on Tuesday, March 10th at 6:00 p.m. Tickets are available in the main office.